Halo Infinite Shows Banding Effect on Nvidia 1060 PC - Why??

  1. kwp
    Posts : 53

    Halo Infinite Shows Banding Effect on Nvidia 1060 PC - Why??

    Hi guys.. My win 10 PC has an Nvidia 1060 card 6GB vid ram. When I play Halo Infinite I get a little bit of a banding effect in the middle of my screen like its trying to refresh to the rest of the game. Doesnt look smooth enough only in that area. I have the latest updates btw. This shouldnt happen on a 1060.

    I also noticed when video recording through screeencapture.com that the banding is gone which is good. But the banding still exists when video recording stops.

    Can anyone explain this? How do i fix this banding?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,829
    Windows 10


    you need to enable vsync or gysnc/freesync you may even need to move the tearline with software if any of these options don't work.
      My Computer


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