Compatible Windows 10 USB3 external CD / DVD drives?

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  1. Posts : 14,658
    Win10 Pro and Home, Win11 Pro and Home, Win7, Linux Mint

    A Y-cable is required since there is only 1 port on the drive and the second port on the computer provides additional power through the Y-cable which pretty much makes the cable specific to the job.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 18,483
    Windows 11 Pro

    Why is USB 3.0 that important for connecting a DVD Drive? Even 24X DVD speed is only 32 MB/s whereas USB 2.0 is 60 MB/s. Seems like the limiting factor is going to be the DVD drive, not the USB port. Unless you really, really need to absolutely hit that 48X read speed.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 14,658
    Win10 Pro and Home, Win11 Pro and Home, Win7, Linux Mint

    NavyLCDR said:
    Why is USB 3.0 that important for connecting a DVD Drive? Even 24X DVD speed is only 32 MB/s whereas USB 2.0 is 60 MB/s. Seems like the limiting factor is going to be the DVD drive, not the USB port. Unless you really, really need to absolutely hit that 48X read speed.
    Agreed. I have found over the years that the higher/maximum record speeds are not nearly as reliable as the slower speeds, especially when sharing discs with others or unknown capability of their drives.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 863
    Windows 10 Home 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    The speed issue is a good question especially given the figures provided above. In fact speed is not a particular concern for me, I am happy with USB2 in that respect, it is just that if extra speed is available at little cost I might as well have it as not. My main interest is in being able to run various things from another port, which until recently I had been led to believe was not possible, plus learning about USB3 and its characteristics. About a year ago when I got the machine, a discussion in the forum which specializes in 2-in-1 tablet PCs (exclusively the lesser known Chinese ones) can be characterized by this quote from a post, referring to the USB3 type C port: "It can only be used for charging. Nothing else. You cannot connect a USB C hub to it. It will not work." We now know this o be entirely wrong, and the discussion in the forum evolved into how users were happily running a variety of devices and in particular HDDs. No one but me has mentioned DVD/CD drives so far, maybe my recent post will change that. But anyway, it seems to me that issues relating to HDDs might not be too different to DVD/CD. Yes? Power available from a small 2-in-1 is likely to be an issue shared by both, and I understand (or misunderstand) that USB3 handles power better than USB2. With regard to speed, compared to flash drives and digital cards, surely DVD/CD is significantly slower so if there is any speed benefit from USB3 in that respect it would be a welcome bonus.

    I am now on my second Chinese 2-in-1 ('convertible', 'transformer', 'tablet PC') and have become a fan, not so much for the lower prices (though always welcome) but because of a number things I actually like them (versatility etc) I regret the lack of attention to them in computer magazines and forums.

    For information my device is a Cube iWork Ultimate, 10.1. It is dual boot, both Windows and Android. TechTablets ,the website which specializes in these Chinese machines is European and English language.
    Last edited by clayto; 06 Sep 2017 at 07:30.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 863
    Windows 10 Home 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    DVD Drive

    I am returning the third none working drive tomorrow. I will try one more time, from a supplier who I have asked to confirm suitability for Windows 10 and RAM disks. If that fails I will try USB 2 drives rather than USB 3.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 182
    Win 10 rs1 - build 14393.1944

    @clayto you need to have your PC's power adapter connected, when you run external drives that are powered by USB!

    Even when you do that, I see in your "My Computer" details, that your power adapter only deliver 5V 2Amp = 10 Watt.
    That is very much at the low side and could pose a problem. If that is the source of your problems, then buy a 20 Watt unit.
    But you must have it plug'd in, when using external USB powered drives!

    All DVD/CD/(BlueRay) burners need both +12V & +5V power to run! When power is delivered from a 5V USB connector, it
    will be up-converted to +12V by a switching converter built in to the external drive.

    A 10W power adapter is not enough after my opinion.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 863
    Windows 10 Home 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    external USB DVD drive

    Thanks for the comments. I checked with other users of my tablet PC, some of whom confirm what I suspect which is that using a higher rated charger does not work (at all). I have tried a 3 amp one which was at hand with erratic results so reverted to the 2 amp charger. I would have thought a two cable drive might work if the power cable is not just another USB cable but connect to the AC supply? AC power is always connected for most devices. One of my hubs has this arrangement, but I have not found a DVD drive unfortunately. I wonder why? I am awaiting arrival of a USB 3 OTG cable which it seems I may need for any USB devices to work --- why? I am probably going to abandon the idea of a DVD drive for my Windows hybrid machine and use my old XP Laptop which I have recently brought back into use for printing.
      My Computer


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