Usb driver odd behaviour?

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 10 Pro

    Usb driver odd behaviour?


    This is long term issue for me, i was not able to find a clear answer for why this happens, since to me it's not working as intended.

    So what happens when i use FTDI 230x as Comport and attach or detach USB device to my system, for reason or another RTS signal pulses which if i'm not mistaken it should not do, since it makes zero sense.

    Is this documented behaviour?(which i'm unable to find)
    undocumented, but intended?
    or a bug?
    And as latest how do i make it behave like i think it should?(to Not pulse RTS line without me commanding it to do so).
    Usb driver odd behaviour?-rts-pulse.jpg
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 82
    Windows 10

    isn't that related to power saving?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Christoph34 said:
    isn't that related to power saving?
    To be honest i have no idea what it is related to, since it seems so random to me that windows would command the ftdi 230x(usb-uart bridge) to pulse RTS line when i plug in or remove another device from the system.(device itself is powered all the time, it's just the hardware flowcontrol signal(RTS)that pulses)

    If you mean some USB power saving options, I will try to fiddle with those once get to home.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 82
    Windows 10

    yeah, those power savings
      My Computer


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