How to reserve a drive letter for usb hard drive
My pc will not accept a second hard drive so I have attached one externally with usb. Its power supply is direct so it stays on until I turn it off. Currently it's drive E:. However, if it's off and I add a new drive the drive letters shuffle so that when I turn it on again it might be drive H:. My backup program (Ashampoo) thinks it is drive E: and will not find it.
I have set hard drive to power off after 15 minutes for the internal drive but I have no control over the external one except to manually turn it on and off. I guess there is a control signal from the motherboard which deactivates the internal drive. Evidently that signal doesn't make it to the usb connection.
How can I either:
A. Permanently assign a letter to the drive
or B. cause the system to power it down?