How do I look up my PC components without taking my PC Apart?

  1. Posts : 78
    Windows 10 Professional

    How do I look up my PC components without taking my PC Apart?

    I'm looking to upgrade either one or two things, but I can't without knowing exactly what my computer's parts consist of. Which is fine and dandy, but I don't have the time and steady hands right now to take everything apart and back, so is there a function or program that runs a hardware scan for physical components attached, and not just specs?

    EDIT: Also for reference's sake, this is the sticker that came on the side of the tower, when I bought it from Newegg, and no I don't have the link to the Newegg site itself when I placed that order.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails How do I look up my PC components without taking my PC Apart?-33mkhboc8.jpg  
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