PC all of a sudden running very slow + 100% disk usage Windows 10 - [Solved] - Windows 10
- see eg. 'Best answer' there
7 Tips to Fix 100% Disk Usage Improve Windows Performance
- see 6 & 7 - ignore 1-5
windows 10 - Task Manager shows 100% disk usage at just 0.5Mbps - Super User
More such by searching here or generally for
100% disk use slow transfer
Could be your PC isn't Win 10 compatible, or you need a different low level driver.
Was it ok with earlier builds of Win 10, or the same?
Basically you need to resolve the disk problem first. It's hardly worth trying to fix a Windows update issue with underperforming hardware (possibly driver issue) (when the reason Windows update isn't working might be restricted performance).
I'm away now for 12 days, so tenforums will get little attention - hopefully someone else will come along and help further.
You could see if you can make any sort of comparison in Safe Mode, though I'm not sure what to suggest that might be an equivalent task given what's running is rather different.
Worth researching the issue further as I suggest.