One Logitech Setpoint for two different Logitech mice?

  1. Posts : 274
    windows 10 64-bit

    One Logitech Setpoint for two different Logitech mice?

    I have two Logitech mice (M570 and M720.) Been using 570 as my all around mouse, and just got 720 for photography editing. I have been using setpoint 6.67.83 with 570. I have tried and tried to use Logitech's support forum for the following question, but have found it impossible to log into. I'd like to know if I can use the present setpoint for both mice and is there any way set separate commends for each mouse, or do I have to use two different setpoints, or how do you suggest a solution to the question?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 54
    10 Pro FCU

    I have a touchpad for every day surfing and a mouse for when I'm doing a lot of file handling. (both are Logitech unifying models) Setpoint correctly identifies which ever one is on and retains settings for each. One Logitech Setpoint for two different Logitech mice?-different-logitech-mice_-windows-10-forums.pngOne Logitech Setpoint for two different Logitech mice?-different-logitech-mice_1-windows-10-forums.png
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 274
    windows 10 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    EDIT: Doesn't work, giving up on SetPoint. Going to try Logitech Options.
    Last edited by flycaster; 25 Jul 2017 at 09:23.
      My Computer


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