Disk order shown in disk Management

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  1. Posts : 253
    Windows 10 64 Bit

    Disk order shown in disk Management

    Disk order shown in disk Management-image.png

    I read somewhere that the C directory disk should ideally be Disk 0 - as you will see, my three internal disks do not follow this pattern.

    Do I need to swap the signal leads at the motherboard end to correct this - or does it not really matter. I confess I do like to see detail where the main drive is listed first
    Will this work, or it it not to be advised or have adverse consequences.
    Thanks in advance for your comments
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 18,483
    Windows 11 Pro

    It doesn't really matter. It's up to your personal preference. If you do switch your hard drive cables, you might also have to go into BIOS setup and change the boot order to point to the first SATA port if it doesn't do it automatically.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 14,660
    Win10 Pro and Home, Win11 Pro and Home, Win7, Linux Mint

    Historically, the only time the disk connections really mattered was with the PATA/Parallel ATA cable that could be connected to 2 physical HDDs. One end of the 40/80 conductor cable went to the motherboard, the other end to the Master drive and the middle plug for the Slave drive. The Master was the boot/system drive. The drives could be jumpered as Master or Slave but the more recent setups were CS/Cable Select for both which the cable determined.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 253
    Windows 10 64 Bit
    Thread Starter

    Happy to relate that a cable swap did the job, without any other changes /repercussions.
    Me being pedantic I suppose - but I found this quirk very annoying.
    Thanks everyone
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 253
    Windows 10 64 Bit
    Thread Starter


    The very next day, there was a flicker on the screen - I dont know why.

    However, later I went into disk management out of curiosity, to see that the new order was still in evidence. To my surprise, everything had reverted back to the original 'misorder' - although no further cable changes had been made.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 8
    windows 10

    Reorder Drives in Drive Management

    Hi, I want to reorder my disks in Disk Management, Windows 10. Currently, it looks like the image enclosed.

    I want to shrink some of the space from Drive E (labelled as Apps) & add to Drive F (Business). But, when I shrink E by 50 GB, the unallocated space comes before F. Even if I make this free 50 GB space as another drive & allocate a letter, say, N, to this new drive, it remains before drive F & I can't use this extra 50 GB of N to extend F as it's before F. How can I move N or 50GB of unallocated space after F & extend space of F?
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 18,483
    Windows 11 Pro

    Use Minitool Partition Wizard to do it. Built in Windows disk Management won't do what you want.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 920
    Windows 10 Pro

    Just to add to this thread, when I setup my system I installed an NVME boot drive, an SSD drive and a SATA 3 HDD. The NVME boot drive was listed in disk management as disk 2 until I installed the Intel NVME driver and the RST drivers, then on the re boot, the NVME drive was disk 0, the SSD was disk 2 and the HDD was disk 3. This new layout has persisted since I installed those drivers and better reflects the physical drive layout.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 16,670
    Windows 11 Pro X64

    Pejole2165 said:
    Just to add to this thread, when I setup my system I installed an NVME boot drive, an SSD drive and a SATA 3 HDD. The NVME boot drive was listed in disk management as disk 2 until I installed the Intel NVME driver and the RST drivers, then on the re boot, the NVME drive was disk 0, the SSD was disk 2 and the HDD was disk 3. This new layout has persisted since I installed those drivers and better reflects the physical drive layout.
    Interesting, I have a Samsung NVME so I get the disorder that I have learned to live with
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 144
    Win 10 Pro 19042.1110

    My NVME boot drive is listed as disk 3.
      My Computer


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