Disk part failed to clear disk attributes

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  1. Posts : 13
    Windows 10

    Disk part failed to clear disk attributes

    I have read the information on this page below and found it very interesting but it hasn't solved my problem unfortunately.


    A couple of days ago a got an update from Windows 10 and let it download and install now my pc keeps yelling me inaccessible boot device. If I filled in in the command prompt Chkdsk/f/r.
    It tells me. Cannot lock current drive and then it says windows cannot run disk checking on this volume because it is wriye protected. As far as I can tell this is not right. Not that I'm a ICT expert.

    I then tried with the steps above to take the write protection off. But now it says:
    Disk part failed to clear disk attributes.

    Does this say anything to anyone? Please help?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,502
    Win_8.1-Pro, Win_10.1607-Pro, Mint_17.3

    I think you're conflating two issues

    The first issue is the inaccessible boot device

    I'd like to see your Disk Management

    1. Download dmDskmgr-vg.zip (contains dmDskmgr-vg.mmc)

    2. Open the compressed folder, dmDskmgr-vg.zip
      Double click dmDskmgr-vg.mmc to launch it
      Press the Open button if prompted Do you want to open this file?
      Answer yes to the User Account Control prompt

      Tip: you can drag the middle bar up to show more of the bottom pane

      (just don't drag it too far up - I also need the information in the top pane)

    3. Press Alt+PrtScn to grab a snapshot of just the Disk Management window
      Open Paint and Ctrl+V to paste it, then save the image

    4. Attach the image to a new post

    The second issue is Chkdsk /f
    The message you're seeing is only telling you that you have to chk the disk offline at the next boot

    At least that's how I read your description.

    Read through these tutorials:

    I'm posting those tuts now so you can become familiar with the procedures.

    Do NOT do anything in the tuts just yet, just read them. Ask for clarification if anything confounds you.

    Post the Disk Mgmt screen and then I can tell more, There might be a different issue that needs to be addressed first.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 13
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Thanks Slartybart, but I can't get into my PC at all and don't have backup pc.

    How do you place a foto on a reply then I can show you.

    I get a screen inaccessible boot device. Then the pc restarts again and sat I can restart or I can go to advanced options.

    Clicking on advanced options gives me three options: Continue; troubleshoot or turn off the PC.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 579
    Windows 10

    Try to choice the option "Troubleshoot", choice the options it presents to you until you see an option saying "Restart", that will Boot in Safe Mode. When PC reboots you will be presented with several options like 1), 2), 3), and so on. Choice option 4 or 5. See if it boots in Safe Mode.

    2 Months ago I had a Micro SD Card saying it was "Write Protect" where there is no Write Protection switch. After using DiskPart and trying to gain access to it, at the end the SD Card is dead, now when I connect it to PC it keeps connecting and disconnecting at once.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3,502
    Win_8.1-Pro, Win_10.1607-Pro, Mint_17.3

    Camilla said:
    Thanks Slartybart, but I can't get into my PC at all and don't have backup pc.

    How do you place a foto on a reply then I can show you.

    I get a screen inaccessible boot device. Then the pc restarts again and sat I can restart or I can go to advanced options.

    Clicking on advanced options gives me three options: Continue; troubleshoot or turn off the PC.
    Adalwar gives some good advice - see if you can get to Safe mode.

    Advanced Startup Options - Boot to in Windows 10 - Windows 10 Forums

    Scroll to the top to see the Startup settings screen shots.

    I'm going to guess that you have more than one hard drive in the machine and that the system partition is on a different drive than the windows partition.

    There's an issue with 1607 and other HDDs - they appear raw or unallocated and I think your machine might be affected by the bug. MS advises doing nothing about the issue until they resolve it
    - definitely do NOT format the drive.

    That's why I asked to see your Disk Management - silly me

    I'm not sure if that is the case with your machine - it's just a guess based on your description of the issue.

    Some members resolved the RAW/Unallocated HDD issue by reverting to 1511

    Windows 10 - Go Back to Previous Windows - Windows 10 Forums

    Here's how you can grab a screen shot that shows the issue and attach it to a new post.
    Screenshots and Files - Upload and Post in Ten Forums - Windows 10 Forums

    You can use a camera (or phone/tablet) to take a picture and post that as well.

    At this point, I'm not sure what to advise and will probably ask for a few screen shots or results of some commands while booted to WinRE (or install disk)
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 13
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Hi adalwar and Slartybart, I have tried doing what you said Adalwar but unfortunately that doesn't work. I've tried everything but I can't get foto's on the post. I'm doing this with my mobile because I don't have a pc now. And then it doesn't want to upload my foto's. Sorry.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 13
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I can describe what happens: if I do exactly what adalwar says everything goes Wright till I get the screen with an unhappy smiling face and then inaccessible boot device. Then it starts itself again and I get an automatic repair screen with buttons restart and advanced options.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 579
    Windows 10

    Camilla said:
    Hi adalwar and Slartybart, I have tried doing what you said Adalwar but unfortunately that doesn't work. I've tried everything but I can't get foto's on the post. I'm doing this with my mobile because I don't have a pc now. And then it doesn't want to upload my foto's. Sorry.
    What kind of HDD is yours? Is it a SSD?
    Do you have any Boot Media, such a Recovery Windows USB or a Windows DVD that you could boot from it?

    That "Write Protect" is something very strange, you have to go carefully.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 13
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    How do I see what kind of had it is? Do I have to open the case?
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 13
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I don't have any boot media. Approximately 6 months ago I bought an OEM windows 7 from an Internet site with a download from the site. I installed it immediately via internet and then downloaded windows 10. I have afar as I know only windows 7 on a USB stick don't know if that can help.
      My Computer


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