Windows Boot up Issue

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  1. Posts : 46
    Windows 10 PRO
    Thread Starter

    Hi essenbe

    Trying to work my way through your suggestions. It seems that each time one runs CHKDSK there is SD errors? I have run the CHKDSK again then I ran sfc /scannow, each time sfc /scannow came back with "Widows resource protection did not find any integrity violations." What I did notice on one of the CHKDSK runs was 3 errors with the same Event ID "1001", probably nothing.

    Attached are the CHKDSK, Errors and the
    sfc /scannow logs.

    As I mentioned earlier,
    I am currently still monitoring the system with the Logik Hub (USB2) removed. I have not experienced any boot issues lately. Probably spoke to soon?
    Windows Boot up Issue Attached Files
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,335

    My USB2 hub was stopping and causing boot issues for me too on my X99 board , so hopefully that is one thing sorted out.

    More info on the 1001 event but maybe you saw this? Have seen 1001 errors as having to do with Memory management before though.
    Event ID 1001: Windows Error Reporting - TechNet Articles - United States (English) - TechNet Wiki

    Try downloading Anvil Storage Utilites , it has an option to Trigger TRIM , do that and then run CHKDSK immediately and see if there are SD Errors , perhaps it is just that TRIM is acting slowly and not cleaning up the drive or only doing it a Boot or shutdown etc? I don't know the exact mechanics of how TRIM works or when , but haae seen reports that SD Errors maybe caused by TRIM not working properly.

    Anvil's Storage Utilities Download Version 1.1 2014
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 46
    Windows 10 PRO
    Thread Starter


    Thanks for the info, hopefully it is all down to this rogue USB2 Logik Hub. I am going to mark this thread solved.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 12,809
    Windows 11 Pro

    Good news. I'm glad you have it fixed, and it was something that simple.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2,335

    Thanks for the Update Kevin , let us know if we can help at all.

    PS did you check for a newer firmware on the HUB ? my Vantec HUB had one available... my Monitor one didn't

      My Computers


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