Run CHKDSK a few more times for sure .....
I also always disable Link State Power Management in the Power Scheme Options as it used to cause issues with my Plextor SSD in this computer but have seen reports of the same thing with the Samsung drives.
I guess you don't want to hear I have RMA'd (1) Asus X99A , (3) X99A-3.1's , (2) 5820k CPU's and (2) set of Ram since Feb ? and I am currently battling a X99A II :) so much for my 1st new Comp in 4-5 yrs ....
Are you one the newest X99 Bios ? some had new Intel RST OROM's in them too.
X99-A/USB 3.1 | Motherboards | ASUS USA
What Sata Driver (AHCI/RAID) are you using ?
Does 850 Pro have latest Firmware ? some had a bug in TRIM that caused Data Corruption last yr I think
that should keep you busy for a few hours :) ....night.