It seems Via HD Audio installer detects windows 32-bit instead of 64-bit after Win10 Anniversary Update.
I not sure how to properly installing its in 64-bit except roleback to previous windows.
(do please teach me if someone know how to make it install in 64-bit without roleback windows)
Someone posted that just directly replaced the files with 64-bit contains in the driver installer will just do fine.
I have sound, and my stock Windows volume mixer work with the stock Windows supplied drivers, VIA VT1708S. Personally, I have never gotten their official driver package from their site to fully work in Windows 10. I always get some kind or error message about incompatible enhancements or something. I just tried VIAHDAud_v11_1100e_01282016 and get that use the 64 bit vdeck message. IMHO they dropped the ball long ago support wise. I will never ever buy another motherboard with onboard VIA audio in it.
I had it works perfectly before win10 anniversary update.
But after the update, i attempt to reinstall the drivers along with sound blaster cinema 2
What happens next is the driver installation uses x32 instead of x64 =(
Someone in social.technet post a solution.
Not sure will it helps (since i already did registrye edit), but it worth a try
Finally an official release from VIA - V11.1100f
why there is no new motherboard integrated VIA audio codec?
i love via over realtek