Windows 10 Anniversary update problems, not recognizing external hdd

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  1. Posts : 1

    I updated my Windows 10 Intel nuc same problem have been in contact Microsoft Best not a good experience talk with intel Microsoft who have a problem I was told Microsoft says it is intel it's ridiculous enough to buy a product must work I have two Microsoft of lying After talking to them several times one of them the wing petitioners have the same problem not called These problems
    it tells me was so disappointed service what is it a hateful page on the Web you deserve

    Does anyone know anything new about it 16.07
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8

    I just spent 1.5 Hours on Hold for Tech Support fm MS to get help solving my External HDD being un-useable after 1607 Install. May donate more time to them tomorrow.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 16
    windows 10

    orbeavhawk said:
    I just spent 1.5 Hours on Hold for Tech Support fm MS to get help solving my External HDD being un-useable after 1607 Install. May donate more time to them tomorrow.
    I wish you the best of luck with that process and hope they solve it.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,502
    Win_8.1-Pro, Win_10.1607-Pro, Mint_17.3

    orbeavhawk said:
    I just spent 1.5 Hours on Hold for Tech Support fm MS to get help solving my External HDD being un-useable after 1607 Install. May donate more time to them tomorrow.
    Good grief ... you are dedicated ... 15 hours on hold!!!!

    If you're willing to be a guinea pig

    Try uninstalling your SATA controller in Device Manager (IDE ATA),
    shut down your machine
    ... wait a minute
    Start your machine and see if the SATA controller is installed.

    If it hasn't picked up the change yet,
    right click on Computer name (at the top)
    pick scan for hardware changes
    let it cook

    If necessary, manually run Windows Update to get the SATA controller from MS

    If you're not that adventurous - run it by the MS support rep.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 29,078
    Windows 10 21H1 Build 19043.1023

    Slartybart said:
    Good grief ... you are dedicated ... 15 hours on hold!!!!

    If you're willing to be a guinea pig

    Try uninstalling your SATA controller in Device Manager (IDE ATA),
    shut down your machine
    ... wait a minute
    Start your machine and see if the SATA controller is installed.

    If it hasn't picked up the change yet,
    right click on Computer name (at the top)
    pick scan for hardware changes
    let it cook

    If necessary, manually run Windows Update to get the SATA controller from MS

    If you're not that adventurous - run it by the MS support rep.
    Ummmm, Bill, he held for an hour and a half. There's a dot between the one and the five. :) <ducking and running>
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 3,502
    Win_8.1-Pro, Win_10.1607-Pro, Mint_17.3

    oliverpowell said:
    Hi, I believe after completing Windows 10 Anniversary update, it damaged your hard drive file system due to which it is appearing as RAW. I suggest you go through this blog to know how to resolve this RAW partition issue. Thanks!!
    The drive is NOT damaged - the data is fine.

    The suggestion to roll back to 1511 in the link you provided has been offered and tested here - it works if you cannot wait for MS to patch this.

    The suggestion to use partition recovery has also been offered here - not a paid version, but one of two free versions (Minitool or EaseUS). The link you provided seems to be selling a particular brand of recovery software which isn't needed

    The drive is fine or else a rollback wouldn't fix the issue.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 29,078
    Windows 10 21H1 Build 19043.1023

    Slartybart said:
    The drive is NOT damaged - the data is fine.

    The suggestion to roll back to 1511 in the link you provided has been offered and tested here - it works if you cannot wait for MS to patch this.

    The suggestion to use partition recovery has also been offered here - not a paid version, but one of two free versions (Minitool or EaseUS). The link you provided seems to be selling a particular brand of recovery software which isn't needed

    The drive is fine or else a rollback wouldn't fix the issue.
    Isn't this one of those sites that says, "Yep, we've found your data, but you gotta register the free software to get it back"? And then when you click on Register, you get some exhorbitant registration cost?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 8

    Today I was actually successful and got to "spill da beans" to a Real MS Tech Support rep.......e "took CONTROL" of my 'puter and checked out all of the problems/symptoms and I am SORRY to report here.....he was unable to fix my PC......and gave me two options while we wait for a Patch from Above.......he offered to roll me back to previous W10 and then wait for the FIX.....or.......keep 1607 as is, unable to use Ext. HDD, and wait for that Patch. I chose the Latter! He escalated the Case to the Super Elevated Tech Support Levels. Over & Out while continuing to Hope and Pray!
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 16
    windows 10

    arspr said:
    So, what you say is you can't fix it because those tools don't see anything to fix. (Exactly what happens with windows own chkdsk). That makes sense and would render those 3rd party tools useless...

    About the possible re-update:

    I don't know how Windows is coded but Microsoft would be pretty stupid and suicidal if they re-automatically applied an update which the user has rolled back from because it is suffering troubles (the roll back process does explicitly ask you about your reasons...)

    Nevertheless, if you are in Pro (not in Home) you can tick a safety "Defer updates" or something like that inside Advanced Options of Windows Update.
    I have read on two other forums where people have rolled back to 1511 only to find their system has update back to version 1607 several days later. rolling back seems to be a temporary solution at best.
    Last edited by angd; 24 Aug 2016 at 18:29.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    Created an account just to inform that performing a rollback DID WORK. If you rather not wait for Microsoft to get a fix, please do roll back.
    I got the error "The parameter is incorrect" for my seagate NTFS hard disk. Running check disk for hours DID NOT HELP.
      My Computer


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