Need help with Disk Management - Windows 10 Pro / 2TB Limitations

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  1. Posts : 2,799
    Linux Mint 20.1 Win10Prox64

    JOHNG2017 said:
    I only have the ability to install 1 SATA drive, its one of those All-In-One touch computers
    I know. You can use the USB port for 5TB as an external HD for data storage. If money is not the problem, get a 250GB SSD (~$99 for Samsung SSD). You'd be surprised how much faster your PC will run.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,574
    Windows 10 Pro 64bit

    Use diskpart to convert the HD to gpt
    Atthe DISKPART prompt,type convert gpt.

    If you're not bothered about losing the information on the HDD then follow the info here:

    1. Go to DOS command line (click on "Start Menu", then "Run", type in "cmd" in textbox, and hit "OK")
      • Type in "DiskPart" in command line.
      • Type in "list disk" in command line to show all disks in this machine.
      • Use "select" to set the focus to the specified partition.
        For example "select disk 1".
      • Use "clean" command to remove MBR disk from the current in-focus disk by zeroing sectors.

      1. Go back to Disk Management, you can see disk is "Not Initialized" now.
      2. Within Disk Management, right click on disk info, choose "Initialize Disk", You can see disk is "Unallocated" now.
      3. Right click on disk info, choose "New Partition…", follow Partition Wizard and format it.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 43
    Windows 10 Home

    I'm gonna chime in too. Like a few above the posters above said. 32 Bit system in this day and age is like wow. Its an arcane system and most people 1-2 years ago were suprised Microsoft even provided 32 bit support for Win 10. You can get a small SSD for $50 if need be and get a 64 bit version of Windows.

    With my opinion thrown out there I just wanted to post this info. Check with HP or whatever means of verifying you have a updated BIOS. This is crucial since you probaly don't have the newest system. I know a Dell laptop for example made in 2012 had 3 BIOS updates to date. So makes sure that part is good to go. Every systems UEFI is setup kinda different so dive into the settings. For me to partition and clean install all I have to do is make sure safe boot is enabled and use Rufus to make a bootable ISO with a GPT partition rather than the other options. This way you can format your HD in the windows 10 clean install setup prior to the actual OS install. Again I don't own your PC or know exactly how old it is and so on. 2010 most all systems support GPT. It basically makes 4 partitions automatically. Formats the hard drive and than installs windows
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 4,453
    Win 11 Pro 22000.708

    If I found the right system, your all-in-one has an "Inglewood" motherboard, which is supposed to be UEFI compatible.

    Your current Win 10 license will support X64.

    My suggestion: start over. Clean install Win 10 X64 on the 5TB HD. Blow away the partitions and let the installer automatically configure it as GPT. You'll get the full use of your 6GB of RAM.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 8
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Thank you all for the feedback , I sent a support request to HP about BIOS update and UEFI compatability , but no response yet. I'll try to blast the partition and start over, downloaded the Windows 10 /64 Bit ISO and try again , I'll keep you all posted on next steps via my old laptop
    Cheers, Thanl you again everyone
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 8
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Update 2.28.2016
    Blasted all if the partitions, but it took several steps to even get the 5TB drive back to a factory default setting.
    Used diskpart command line using the Windows 10 Pro -64 OS , but it would not allow me to reset the disk, partitions or volumes as they were already in use.

    Solution : Downloaded Active-Kill Disk
    Created a bootable Linux wipe drive utility to reset all of the sectors bits to "0"
    Thus once completed you have a 5TB disk drive with entire drive unallocated
    * BTW the utility is freeware , took approx 8.5 hours to complete

    Once the 5TB drive was reset , performed a clean install of the Win10-Pro/64 OS
    Again no option to use the entire disk only maximum of 2TB

    Going to Fry's today and just buy a 2TB drive, appears problem is with BIOS as it must not support GPT

    Thank you all again for your suggestions and thoughts
      My Computer


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