Mouse Problem: Right Hand Button Problem ?

  1. Posts : 317

    Mouse Problem: Right Hand Button Problem ?


    Have a Logitech Wireless Optical Mouse M/N M-R0006
    Works just fine; no problems.

    Have a new radio program that controls a sw radio.
    It uses the right-hand button to change frequencies.

    Cannot get it to work.
    Apparently nobody else using the program has any problems.

    There is nothing to "configure" in the program.
    No additional drivers apparently required, etc.

    So, what might be my problem please ?

    I looked in their Setpoint Software, and also what come up in W10 for configuring the Mouse, but I see nothing that looks applicable. Again, the right hand button works fine for everything else.

    Must be related to "some" Mouse setting I would imagine.

    If anyone has any thoughts on this, would be most appreciative.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 930
    Windows 10 Home

    Hello Bob,

    Your "System Specs" show you have Windows 7 installed? If so, you may want to update this, or post this at our Windows Seven Forum site.

    Check in Device Manager of conflicts. Make sure you expand the view there to show "Hidden Devices."

    Please, provide a link to the SW Radio software you downloaded, we would like to take a look at it.

    You could try uninstalling the SW Radio software, then reinstall.

    If you are running Windows 10, the SW Radio program may not be fully supported. Third party software which has not been certified by Microsoft may not always function properly.

    Hope this helps,
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 317
    Thread Starter

    Thanks so much for interest and help. Problem fixed by doing the Run As Administrator bit.
    Hard to understand why, though.
    Thanks again,
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 930
    Windows 10 Home

    Good news!

      My Computer


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