How to resize C: partition

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  1. Posts : 22
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I followed the video and used Partition Magic it worked perfectly with one small difference. It said my D: drive was in use so it had to restart and it handled everything in a DOS-like GUI, then restarted and it was done. It also took longer of course, maybe an hour.

    How to resize C: partition-c_spacet.jpg
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,799
    Linux Mint 20.1 Win10Prox64

    philnolan3d said:
    I followed the video and used Partition Magic it worked perfectly with one small difference. It said my D: drive was in use so it had to restart and it handled everything in a DOS-like GUI, then restarted and it was done. It also took longer of course, maybe an hour.

    How to resize C: partition-c_spacet.jpg
    Great. I am glad we could help.
    Yes, It is normal to take a while depending on how much data you had in D: drive and also normal if your D: drive somehow being used. My video only demonstrated how things is done and my D: drive was empty, that's why you saw it done so fast.
    Bill (@Slartybart) also gives good advice to further clean up your C: Drive to keep it as small as possible. Make it easier to back up/restore in case things go wrong. Also, try to have all your data stored in D: drive is good in case your PC becomes unbootable then you won't worry about losing data.
      My Computer


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