Looking for a PSU Monitor (Erratic problems - PSU or SSD problem?)
For the past few weeks, I've been having major problems with my Win 10 Pro X64 system. I won't bore you with a full list of the issues and problem solving. However, here are links to my previous 2 threads on my issues:
Can't open and Metro style Windows app
How to identify and solve a potential SSD problem
The problems experienced have been very erratic. The following is partial list:
- Couldn't open Metro apps
- System reported that it needed to scan for and fix HD errors(SSD)
- mouse drivers corrupted
- Upon booting Win reports that password was invalid (it was OK but couldn't open Windows)
- Internet connection slows to a crawl
- A/V program won't open due to inability to load one of it's files
- BSOD when trying to boot
I thought that the problem was solved when I did a fresh install of Windows. It lasted for about a week before it acted up again. I have reinstalled Windows twice since then but erratic problems return.
I have done several virus scans and checked for rootkits and everything comes up clean. (using multiple programs)
The only thing that I can assume is that I have either an SSD or Power supply problem.
I have an OCZ-Vector 256GB SSD as my Windows system drive. I have installed the OCZ SSD Utility and it reports that all is well.
Since the SSD utility reports that all is well, I looked for a power supply monitor that would monitor voltages but have been unsuccessful. I believe that I need to monitor the 12V, 5V & 3.3V rails. I called ASUS (the computer manufacturer) but they have nothing for me. I downloaded the CPUID HWMonitor but it doesn't provide information on these 3 rails.
I did several power consumption calculations based on my hardware and I'm reasonably within the capacity of the power supply.
I don't really want to start replacing the SSD or PSU on spec. I'd prefer to conclusively identify the problem.
To this end, can anyone suggest a good PSU monitor? (I know that EVGA has one but I don't have a EVGA PSU)
Last edited by dsscottage; 10 Aug 2016 at 13:39.