Looking for a PSU Monitor (Erratic problems - PSU or SSD problem?)

  1. Posts : 154
    Win 10 Pro X64, Win 10 Home X64, Win 7

    Looking for a PSU Monitor (Erratic problems - PSU or SSD problem?)

    For the past few weeks, I've been having major problems with my Win 10 Pro X64 system. I won't bore you with a full list of the issues and problem solving. However, here are links to my previous 2 threads on my issues:
    Can't open and Metro style Windows app
    How to identify and solve a potential SSD problem

    The problems experienced have been very erratic. The following is partial list:
    • Couldn't open Metro apps
    • System reported that it needed to scan for and fix HD errors(SSD)
    • mouse drivers corrupted
    • Upon booting Win reports that password was invalid (it was OK but couldn't open Windows)
    • Internet connection slows to a crawl
    • A/V program won't open due to inability to load one of it's files
    • BSOD when trying to boot

    I thought that the problem was solved when I did a fresh install of Windows. It lasted for about a week before it acted up again. I have reinstalled Windows twice since then but erratic problems return.

    I have done several virus scans and checked for rootkits and everything comes up clean. (using multiple programs)

    The only thing that I can assume is that I have either an SSD or Power supply problem.

    I have an OCZ-Vector 256GB SSD as my Windows system drive. I have installed the OCZ SSD Utility and it reports that all is well.

    Since the SSD utility reports that all is well, I looked for a power supply monitor that would monitor voltages but have been unsuccessful. I believe that I need to monitor the 12V, 5V & 3.3V rails. I called ASUS (the computer manufacturer) but they have nothing for me. I downloaded the CPUID HWMonitor but it doesn't provide information on these 3 rails.

    I did several power consumption calculations based on my hardware and I'm reasonably within the capacity of the power supply.

    I don't really want to start replacing the SSD or PSU on spec. I'd prefer to conclusively identify the problem.

    To this end, can anyone suggest a good PSU monitor? (I know that EVGA has one but I don't have a EVGA PSU)
    Last edited by dsscottage; 10 Aug 2016 at 13:39.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,799
    Linux Mint 20.1 Win10Prox64

    I would start with Mem test first then go from there. Often if you have a bad spot(s) on the RAM and if not being used then everything is cool, else anything can happen and can cause system files to be corrupted.
    Make sure all RAM sticks are seated tightly and download: Memtest86+ - Advanced Memory Diagnostic Tool and let it run overnight for at least 8 passses.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 154
    Win 10 Pro X64, Win 10 Home X64, Win 7
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    topgundcp said:
    I would start with Mem test first then go from there. Often if you have a bad spot(s) on the RAM and if not being used then everything is cool, else anything can happen and can cause system files to be corrupted.
    Make sure all RAM sticks are seated tightly and download: Memtest86+ - Advanced Memory Diagnostic Tool and let it run overnight for at least 8 passses.
    Thank-you for the Memtest suggestion. I hadn't though of that one.

    I've previously checked that all of the memory modules, cards and power connections are secure.

    As you suggested, I ran Memtest for about 6 hours and it didn't find any errors. I'll run it again overnight to confirm.

    I'm now 3 days into my latest fresh install of Win 10 (with minimal additional software and drivers installed) and all is running as it should. I'm going to continue in this mode for a couple of weeks in another desperate attempt to find the cause of my problem. If all is still well after 2 weeks, I'll start installing additional drivers and software slowly to see if there is any relation to my problem. I'm not hopeful that this is my problem because my system had been running for about 2 years with the same programs and hardware and I had no problems. The only significant thing to have changed in this time is the upgrade to Win 10 about a year ago and I had no problems until a few weeks ago. Other than that, the normal Win 10 updates have been installed.

    Anyway, I'm still suspecting that the PSU may be the problem but I'm looking for a way to prove this before I replace it.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,799
    Linux Mint 20.1 Win10Prox64

    You might want to fill out your system specs so we have some ideas what kind of HW you have.
    System Specs - Fill in at Ten Forums
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  5. Posts : 154
    Win 10 Pro X64, Win 10 Home X64, Win 7
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    topgundcp said:
    You might want to fill out your system specs so we have some ideas what kind of HW you have.
    System Specs - Fill in at Ten Forums
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 2,799
    Linux Mint 20.1 Win10Prox64

    To isolate the problem., temporarily uninstall Avast.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 154
    Win 10 Pro X64, Win 10 Home X64, Win 7
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    topgundcp said:
    To isolate the problem., temporarily uninstall Avast.
    I'm willing to try anything to resolve my issue but I need to understand what I am doing so that I can evaluate the results.
    What would I be looking for by temporarily uninstalling Avast?

    When my problem began, I was using AVG not Avast. I had been unhappy with AVG for some time and used the opportunity of a fresh install to switch to Avast. The change in A/V programs didn't seem to change the nature of my problem.

    BTW, I just finished running MemTest for 18 hours and there were no errors identified.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 2,799
    Linux Mint 20.1 Win10Prox64

    What would I be looking for by temporarily uninstalling Avast?
    Lots of people in this forum are having problems with third party Anti Virus software and also can cause BSOD. To uninstall Avast, you would need to download the uninstall utility from their Website:
    Avast Uninstall Utility | Download aswClear for Avast Removal

    BTW, your PSU is kind of a low end PSU (350W). Normally, you would want a PSU with at least 500W and if you are over clocking than higher wattage would be preferable.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 154
    Win 10 Pro X64, Win 10 Home X64, Win 7
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    topgundcp said:
    BTW, your PSU is kind of a low end PSU (350W). Normally, you would want a PSU with at least 500W and if you are over clocking than higher wattage would be preferable.
    Yeah - I know. I've always been concerned about the 350W PS but (at least until now) it hasn't been a problem. When I began to suspect the PSU, I calculated my power requirements using a few different online methods. My requirements averaged about 230W from these calculations. That's not a lot of headroom but it didn't appear serious.

    In the event that I can reasonably prove that the problem is the PSU, I've been looking at purchase options in the 450W-500W range.

    Hopefully, someone can recommend a PSU monitor to help me prove the issue.

    P.S. I'm not overclocking.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 154
    Win 10 Pro X64, Win 10 Home X64, Win 7
    Thread Starter


    I believe that my problem is resolved. I've spend weeks trying many alternatives to resolve my problem including re-installing windows.

    Well, the re-installations of Windows ultimately didn't work. It always failed again a few days later. After numerous problem solving efforts and Windows re-installations, I bought a new SSD and replaced the old one.

    This seems to have worked but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the problem doesn't recur.
      My Computer


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