I lost 2 Hard Disks after updated from Build 9860 to 9879

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  1. Posts : 281

    Thanks Peter. I'm on this today.

    Mike, this only pertains to Build 9879 from all reports linked earlier above.

    Anshad, this older backup eMachine 5234 BIOS has no SATA controller setting, though it has tons of other settings which are barely recognizable to me even after parsing lots of BIOS. Any suggestions, or would you like pictures?

    Daniel, it killed two of my Hitachi drives which I'd like back since I don't give up easily. This also has become a bit of an obsession and I have the luxury of free time to test and experiment while I'm home for the next month. It just means a dozen of my cases have to wait longer at 7F.

    Bill, hdparm switch has been tried as related earlier. It says it was never flipped in the first place. The KB is incorporated into the latest Win10 version which I reinstalled for the purpose of curing the HD but which also did not work past the first reboot.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 281


    Thanks Peter! I followed your Linux Terminal steps which finally recognized in hdparm (unlike using it in Windows) that PUIS was set, and then that it was set to Disabled (O). Drive since has rebooted many times unlike before where it would fail after each reboot.

    Only hitch was that it wouldn't take sudo on each command, saying it didn't recognize it. Could it be this is because all GParted has is LX Terminal? I wouldn't know it from LAX Terminal.

    Anyway, I'm stoked because I have a 500gb drive back just at the time a 320gb is dying out fast in our home backup machine here and I'm leaving for six months.

    Thanks everyone for chipping in, especially for the Linux translation. Hopefully it will help others as I see in the big threads on this online that some have given up. I wonder if the commands are not working for them as they didn't for me a dozen times.

    This is for you, Peter, for many years of excellent help to others. Thanks for helping me stretch my abilities.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 44
    Windows 7 , 8.1 and Mint

    Anshad, this older backup eMachine 5234 BIOS has no SATA controller setting, though it has tons of other settings which are barely recognizable to me even after parsing lots of BIOS. Any suggestions, or would you like pictures?
    Modern laptops usually won't have that SATA mode control settings anymore - except on some business class models. Do you have access to a desktop by any chance - may be a friend's machine ?.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 281

    It is a desktop,. I tried to change to IDE to run Hitachi Drive Fitness Test but cannot find that setting, just dozens of mostly unrecognizable ones.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 31

    gregrocker said:

    [B][COLOR=#0000cd]Thanks Peter! I followed your Linux Terminal steps which finally recognized in hdparm (unlike using it in Windows) that PUIS was set, and then that it was set to Disabled (O). Drive since has rebooted many times unlike before where it would fail after each reboot.

    Only hitch was that it wouldn't take sudo on each command, saying it didn't recognize it. Could it be this is because all GParted has is LX Terminal? I wouldn't know it from LAX Terminal. .......

    Anyway, I'm stoked........
    You have come a long long way. Use "sudo su" instead and Let us know

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 7,724
    3-Win-7Prox64 3-Win10Prox64 3-LinuxMint20.2

    Isn't it su sudo :/
    Glad it worked Grego I'll see this weekend how it does for me it's nice to have better instructions :)
    Cheers Peter cudo's
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 1,811
    W7 Ultimate SP1 (64 bit), LM 19.2 MATE (64 bit), W10 Home 1703 (64 bit), W10 Pro 1703 (64 bit) VM

    gregrocker said:
    Thanks Peter! I followed your Linux Terminal steps which finally recognized in hdparm (unlike using it in Windows) that PUIS was set, and then that it was set to Disabled (O). Drive since has rebooted many times unlike before where it would fail after each reboot.

    Only hitch was that it wouldn't take sudo on each command, saying it didn't recognize it. Could it be this is because all GParted has is LX Terminal? I wouldn't know it from LAX Terminal.

    My bad.

    I meant run a Live CD/DVD/USB with Ubuntu, Linux Mint or pretty much any other Live Distro.
    I always run the BASH Terminal (and GParted) from a Live Distro disc or my LM install.

    I don't know anything about standalone GParted discs or LX Terminals.

    My friend suggests that you are already running the "root" user in that GParted LX Terminal.
    That makes sense as I can't run GParted as a "standard" user in my LM install.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 7,724
    3-Win-7Prox64 3-Win10Prox64 3-LinuxMint20.2

    Now that makes sense because running as a live cd.. you really don't have a user account yet,
    So the first command is just an inquiry and the second command might need sudo because you want to change the setting
    But then again you might not need sudo in the second either which is I believe what Greg is saying ?
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 281

      My Computer

  10. Posts : 1
    Windows 7

    Sadly I haven't had the success that gregrocker had. BIOS can't see my two Samsung HD204UIs, and live linux doesn't either. Both failed to get recoginzed during bootup. HDparm command returns no file or directory for sudo hdparm -s0 dev/sda. Listed all dev via ls and no "sdX" at all.

    Does anyone have any idea at all what else I could try?

    I saved another drive, a WD, but these Samsung HDDs are dead. I've gone as far a ordering a replacement PCB from the states (I'm from europe) because I thought a power surge had knocked them out. Cost me almost as much as a NEW 2TB HDD. Then I found out about the PUIS issue on a different forum. Was easy waking up the WD. These two other drives though seem to have a corrupted firmware. I'll try ordering a new PCB for them as well, and leave the bios chip on it. See if that fresh firmware wakes it up.
      My Computer


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