CD/DVD burner will not work in AHCI mode, do you have a fix?

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  1. Posts : 2,937
    Windows 10 Home x64

    AHCI is almost mandatory if you use an SSD. Mine runs 50% slower under IDE mode.
    If you do not have any SSDs, you can improve compatibility by running in IDE mode, specially for older setups, as spapakons has suggested.

    Also, back on topic. OP seems to have a newer AMD chipset so, in theory, running AHCI should not pose any issues.

    To OP: Check to see if there is any BIOS update available. A friend of mine has got a not so old Phenom II PC and we updated its BIOS after some minor issues with storage. One of the BIOS updates had corrected some compatibilities related to AHCI/storage.

    PS - Later BIOS for your mainboard is v2.0
    The only remarkable changelog note is Windows 8 support. As Windows 10 is akin to 8, maybe you should consider updating, but keep in mind that it can be dangerous business. MSI says that you must run BIOS update from USB pendrive and that the system will restart SEVERAL TIMES. Do not remove the pendrive until the process has succesfully ended.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 10
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    TSSTcorp CDDVD ts-h653q is the make of the drive.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3,610
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H1 (May 2021 build 19043.1083)

    When updating BIOS, keep the notebook connected to the AC power and disable any antivirus if done with a Windows utility. Cross your fingers that the process will not be interrupted, otherwise your notebook will be non-functional. There is always the possibility that your motherboard supports AHCI, but the DVD is not. If you can find it, you could also attempt to upgrade the DVD firmware for better compatibility. Same rules apply! Keep I in AC power, disable antivirus and do not interrupt the process for any reason.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1

    It is possible that eLPuSHeR is exaggerating about "50% slower under IDE mode" or is simply looking at the benchmarks. I recently changed two of my 7-64 machines from IDE (the Gigabyte default) to AHCI, using the mobo's split system to leave the DVD in IDE. Yes, the benchmarks went up significantly, but the increase in performance was quite tiny. In both instances, the boot SSD is a Crucial M4 128, correctly aligned. In July this year, I built a muck-around general-use/internet computer using a Gig mobo without a split system and an AMD A6 2-core 3.8GHz. Popped in a mid-pace Intel SSD correctly aligned, second-hand Vista Biz 32, IDE mode, and she flies like a demon. To summarize: the benefits of AHCI are usually overstated. IDE is not a dirty word.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 87
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

    bobkn said:
    What model is the optical drive? It'd be nice to look it up to see whether AHCI would be an issue with it. (Are there really SATA drives that don't support AHCI? Not a rhetorical question.)
    I've been wondering about this too, since being advised at the Slysoft forum to use AHCI for my burner to help resolve a problem I'm having with AnyDVD. My mobo is a Gigabyte GA-Z77-DS3H (purchased August 2012) and my burner is an LG WH14NS40. The mobo has just one setting for all SATA ports, but it clearly supports IDE because that's what my burner is using. And it doesn't seem that the burner can run as AHCI. LG has no drivers for it, and a firmware upgrade didn't make any difference (I didn't think it would, but what the heck).

    I'm not very concerned, though. I've got a longer delay after AnyDVD scans than I had with 7, but it works in 10, and I've ready elsewhere what has been posted here, i.e., that AHCI will make little or no difference in speed for a burner.
      My Computer


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