Annoying: Safe Eject does not tell me when I can unplug a device

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  1. Posts : 609

    Annoying: Safe Eject does not tell me when I can unplug a device

    Is it only me or has Microsoft removed this bubble, which always popped up when you could eject a device? In Windows 10 I never see it. This makes the Safe Eject function hard to use - I never know, whether I now can unplug the device or if I can't.

    When the device is used currently, then there is an according error message - which is absolutely fine.

    But when there is no such error, I am left back clueless as to whether ejecting now worked or if it just did not work. It would be great, to at least get any feedback then...

    Has the "You can unplug now" notice been removed? Or is this some kind of bug, which only I am having?
    Last edited by Joergi; 26 Oct 2015 at 15:50.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 0
    Dual Boot 10 Pro v1607 10 Pro rs2 build 14971

    No the "safe to remove hardware" notice is still there. Most of us are get a message saying it is in use all the time. There is a big thread on that in the insiders forum. I have just been pulling mine out when I'm done using it, as long as a program or browser is not using it you are good to go. Hopefully this will be fixed- it is an annoyance.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 46
    64-bit 10240 10 Pro

    I stopped getting it for some reason.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 609
    Thread Starter

    Gary said:
    I stopped getting it for some reason.
    That means you once did get it? I am using Windows 10 since the beginning of August and I actually never got it.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 609
    Thread Starter

    JohnC said:
    No the "safe to remove hardware" notice is still there. Most of us are get a message saying it is in use all the time.
    That is not what I am talking about. When a device is used, and only then, Windows 10 is properly telling me that. That is fine.

    But when it is not used, then there is nothing. No information bubble and nothing.

    Can you post me a screenshot of the "safe to remove" notification?
    I use different devices, USB drives, HDDs and some cards, all that on different PCs and on different USB ports. On exactly none of them have I ever gotten the "safe to remove" notification.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 5,477

    Joergi said:
    Can you post me a screenshot of the "safe to remove" notification?.
    Here you go..

    Annoying: Safe Eject does not tell me when I can unplug a device-capture1.png
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 3,610
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H1 (May 2021 build 19043.1083)

    I sometimes see the message too, sometimes not. When I not see it I noticed that the safe removal icon is moving to be the first on the left in notification area. If I try to remove the device while still working, I get the message, but the icon remains hidden. If I remove it successfully, the icon appears on the notification area, so I know I can now remove the device no matter if I see the message or not. I then wait a few seconds, just to be on the safe side and then remove the device. In some devices you can also see the LED switching off, so you can definitely remove it. In others the LED stops blinking and remains on, but I can tell from the icon.

    I have a different problem. When I click on the message to see the autoplay list, it does nothing. I could earlier click on the message and then click on open folder or whatever, now clicking on the message does nothing. What happened?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 5,477

    Actually mine is almost always on the left it is just I only this minute installed Skype that decided to go even further to the left. You can drag and drop the icons as you wish though.

    There are problem with eject (many threads here) - I have a external USB 3 drive which has decided it is internal and will never eject for example.

    I have made a shortcut to call sync.exe pinned to my taskbar and just use that before pulling the thing out.

    No idea about autoplay - I always turn it off, sorry.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 609
    Thread Starter

    halasz said:
    Here you go..

    Annoying: Safe Eject does not tell me when I can unplug a device-capture1.png
    Thanks for posting the screenshot! Is that notification part of the Info Center?

    With other words: Is the fact that I have deactivated the Info Center the reason why I do not see this notification?
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 5,477

    Joergi said:
    Thanks for posting the screenshot! Is that notification part of the Info Center?

    With other words: Is the fact that I have deactivated the Info Center the reason why I do not see this notification?
    It only shows up if this thing is switched to ON if that is what your mean.

    Annoying: Safe Eject does not tell me when I can unplug a device-capture.png
      My Computer


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