Wushowhide.diagcab showing drivers I want to install

  1. Posts : 21
    Windows 10 Pro (15063.138)

    Wushowhide.diagcab showing drivers I want to install

    So here's the deal, I have the setting that disables automatic driver updates through Windows Update enabled, but I still use wushowhide.diagcab from time to time just to make sure no driver updates are getting through (mainly GPU drivers, which are surprisingly being updated somewhat rapidly on Windows 10).

    But a couple of weeks ago, while using wushowhide.diagcab, a slew of chipset drivers (around 8 or 9 for my Z77 chipset) appeared that caught my attention, and I would like to update them.

    Is there a way to force or workaround Windows Update into updating these drivers without updating anything else?

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 21
    Windows 10 Pro (15063.138)
    Thread Starter

    Bump! (:
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 138
    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64-bit BETA

    Are you talking about the Intel .inf files? If that is the case they are not new drivers, just the associated text files to the drivers already installed and you don't really need them.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,610
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H1 (May 2021 build 19043.1083)

    Yes, they are new drivers. To enable them run the utility again and select Show hidden updates. From the list of the updates you have hidden, select the ones to enable again. But the best is to visit Intel's site and download latest chipset drivers directly.
      My Computer


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