Is it possible to create multiple partitions on a USB flash drive?

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  1. Posts : 2,834
    Windows 10 Pro X64


    No, it does everything I want it to do.
    I'll format the one in the latest screenshot for you and will post a pic.


    Edit: I spoke too soon regarding this Sandisk Cruzer Edge it is formatted but it won't let itself having a drive letter assigned.. Pretty sure it worked for the older Cruzers though. I'll see if I can repeat it.

    Damn, not my day it seems the olde Cruzer refuses to cooperate as well. Guess I owe you all an apology.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 3,619
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H1 (May 2021 build 19043.1083)
    Thread Starter

    Yes, is there any tweak to convert a removable drive to basic disk so we can use multiple partitions? That is without the risk to ruin it, of course!
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,799
    Linux Mint 20.1 Win10Prox64

    Some software claims that it can flip the removable bit. Tried it and no joy.

    Is it possible to create multiple partitions on a USB flash drive?-.jpg
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,619
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H1 (May 2021 build 19043.1083)
    Thread Starter

    It could work, if you run it as Administrator to have full access to required resources. I'll try it and let you know...

    EDIT: No, it didn't work. In the readme file it says from Windows XP, maybe doesn't work for newer Windows versions, let alone Windows 10. Nice try, thanks. I suspect that I have to hack some key in registry, but I wouldn't like to make my USB Flash unreadable is something goes wrong...
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2,834
    Windows 10 Pro X64


    I suspect that I have to hack some key in registry, but I wouldn't like to make my USB Flash unreadable is something goes wrong...
    I very much doubt that would work.
    It's a hardware related problem so the controller chip on the thumb drive needs to be manipulated.
    BootIt didn't work for me either although it said it did the job..

    The only drives that will work right out of the box are the ones that are certified (and there are many more not listed) as a Win to Go drive. (any thumb drive that registers as a basic disk and not a removable one as Topgundcp correctly pointed out.)

    Sure, there's also ChipGenius which does a great job at telling you all about your drive ands sends you to the software you need to flip the controller chip but.....It's a lengthy procedure, most site are in Chinese and to top it all off, you may ruin your drive in the process.
    Bottomline I gave up since I have a Win to Go ready pendrive already anyway.

    I wish vendors would be more specific regarding this so you could pick the right pendrive for your needs.

      My Computers

  6. Posts : 3,619
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H1 (May 2021 build 19043.1083)
    Thread Starter

    Thank you all guys! Not that I will need it frequently, but it would be good to separate a USB Flash drive in partitions for different uses. In the mean time, once I won't need the installer anymore, I'll just format the whole drive again and that's it.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 2
    Windows 8.1

    2 filesystems on 1 USB Flash-Drive

    Maybe this can be of use?

    Recently I bought a 128GB Flashdrive.
    I want to use it for a quick backup of my files therefore it needs to be NTFS formatted.
    But since I also would like to use it for my music in my car, it would be nice to have 2 filesystems on the flashdrive.
    I've solved this problem this way.
    I created two partitions (15GB for FAT32 and the rest of the space for NTFS)
    Now first I asigned the Fat32 partition as primary.
    Now windows recognizes this part and I store my most favorite music on it. (15GB of Music is quite something)
    After that I return to my partition manager and set the NTFS-part to primary.
    Now Windows recognizes the NTFS-part and I can store my backups there.
    I can't see my FAT32 partition anymore in Windows, but the audiosystem in my car does stil see it.
    When, after some time, I want to put new music to my Flashdrive, I change the assignment and temporately make my FAT32 partition primary again.
    Regards, Lewy

      My Computer

  8. whs
    Posts : 1,935
    Windows 7

    It should work. You must have overlooked something. Here is a guideline that might help'

    Lexar BootIt Tool - Format Tool
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 2
    Windows 8.1

    Thanks WHS

    whs said:
    It should work. You must have overlooked something. Here is a guideline that might help'

    Lexar BootIt Tool - Format Tool
    Thanks WHS.
    For now, I can live with this workaround.
    I don't think windows will be able to see my flashdrive as 2 different drives, would it?
    When you can tell me how to do that, I will try it abslolutely!!

      My Computer

  10. Posts : 3,619
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H1 (May 2021 build 19043.1083)
    Thread Starter

    As mentioned in an older post in this thread, it depends how the drive is configured. If it is recognized as a USB Flash drive, Windows can only see one partition. If it is recognized as a USB mass storage device (USB hard disk or SSD) then you can treat it like any internal hard disk drive (multiple partitions). If only there was a way to change that and make a USB flash drive be detected as a USB hard disk...
      My Computer


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