Hahahah Yup Word Man, and you were one of the folks that I listened too!!!! And now I only use Macrium because of folks like you and lots of others. BUT Their is a BIG difference between software and hardware as I do my own repairs on my personal computers, and do all the upgrades myself on my computers. So I am inside them, take them apart, etc.....I would and will never have a Dell or say a Lenovo on my desk. they use very cheap parts, and hell to work on.
But lots of folks love them and buy them, so that is their choice, and that is just fine with me. I will not work on them thou. and that is MY choice. :)
Just for curiosity sake, is that IDE ATA/ATAPI controller made by Intel?? You can check by going into it and checking properties, than Manufacturer .....if its Intel.....and I'm betting it could download a newer driver from Intel. instead of MSI my motherboard is made by msi.....for HP so I can't use MSI's site. and HP's site didn't have the newest driver, but Intel did.
Now...if you do look, and want to try this, Do your image backup 1st.....which most likely you have already cause you just installed your new SSD. I updated mine last week from Intel's site, no problem. Don't know if it would work the same for you.
This is just an idea, as I am always screwing around on my computer, another reason why I make lots of backups I guess.:)
Yes they were. I'm still using the last one I purchased, 600 gb, for a data drive on my desktop machine. Once I get around to updating my desktop machine with a X99 board, new memory, chip, etc that drive will probably go into retirement as I have two 256gb Samsung 830 Pros already in use on that machine and I have two 256 gb Samsung 840 Pros and a 480gb Intel 730 waiting to be used. Heck I might just leave it in there and put music or something on it and see how long it lasts.
I use two monitors and I could see myself using three of them. I have a color critical NEC 2090 UXi that I use for Photoshop and my main monitor and an inexpensive Samsung monitor that I use for toolbars and pallets in Photoshop, I would use a 3rd monitor for browsing, office work, etc and just leave Photoshop open on the good monitor with it's pallets on the 3rd one and just leave Photoshop open all the time. I can only imagine the look on my wife's face if she came home from work and saw three monitors on my desk, lol. A friend who makes his living buying/selling stocks, options and such makes good use of three monitors and he might actually have four now. Haven't seen him in years.
I'm with you Mike. I ordered one of my first desktops from Dell way back when before I started building my own and when I received it it was not configured properly as per my order. I ended up having to go through the Dell rep who serviced my wife's 500+ Dell computer workplace before I could even get Dell to own up to the problem. They finally made it good, but the crap I had to go through was ridiculous. I haven't bought anything from them since and I've probably bought/sold a dozen laptops or more since then.
So your video card supports 3 monitors??? and your friends supports 4 monitors?? Really.....those cards must cost a pretty penny. long as it makes ya happy why not! All I need is one, and with just one, can't think of any reason for me to have 2,3,4.
I didn't even think their was a card that supports 4 monitors??