Converting RAW external HDD to NTFS?

  1. Posts : 1
    windows 10

    Converting RAW external HDD to NTFS?

    My toshiba 1tb external hard drive currently says it is a raw file system and i cant seem to format it no matter what i do. I dont care for what is inside (only one word file) but i just want to be able to use it again. Is there anyway i can format the HDD and make it usable again?

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,799
    Linux Mint 20.1 Win10Prox64

    If you don't care about the content and assuming your HD is still good then:
    Open Admin Command Prompt:
    1. diskpart
    2. list disk =====>take a note of disk # of your HD
    3. select disk #
    4. clean
    5. exit

    Open Disk Management: initialize, create simple then format with NTFS.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 141
    windows 10

    The way convert a hard disk or partition to NTFS format:
    Close any open programs running on the partition or logical drive to be converted.
    Click the Start button Picture of the Start button, click All Programs, click Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator. Administrator permission required If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
    At the command prompt, type convert drive_letter: /fs:ntfs, where drive_letter is the letter of the drive you want to convert, and then press Enter.
    Type the name of the volume you want to convert, and then press Enter. You must use the existing name of the volume or the conversion will be canceled. You can view all available volumes in the Computer folder under Hard Disk Drives.
    Open Computer by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, and then clicking Computer

    Delete the partition in Disk Management(diskmgmt.msc), re-create it, then format it. Use third party software to do this. Try EaseUS Partition Master Free - Free Partition Magic alternative and Partition Manager Freeware for Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,254
    Windows 10 Pro

    The "convert" command will only convert a FAT 16 or FAT 32 partition to NTFS. RAW isn't a real file system, just the name Windows assigns when the actual file system cannot be determined. If this is due to a physical problem with the drive it will have to be replaced. Otherwise repartitioning should work.
      My Computer


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