bad hard drive

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  1. Posts : 135,084
    Windows 11 Pro (x64) 24H2 Build 26100.2605

    damocles said:
    Unfortunately SSD's fail too, had one do that recently ( only 3 years old ( can't RMA as I took it apart to see if there was a loose connection inside ) - the only problem with a failed SSD is that you will turn it on and nothing, at least with a mechanical drive you have warning signs.
    Don't know which brand you had for your SSD but Intel SSD do have a app that monitors the condition of its SSD and you can view it anytime. That will give you an idea of whats going on.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 66
    Windows 10

    It was an OCZ drive, it has been binned so cannot tell you which one. Intel might be better, but, they will all fail in the end like all drives.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 135,084
    Windows 11 Pro (x64) 24H2 Build 26100.2605

    damocles said:
    It was an OCZ drive, it has been binned so cannot tell you which one. Intel might be better, but, they will all fail in the end like all drives.
    Yup nothing last forever, except
      My Computers


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