Hard Drive Space loss after expanding partition

  1. Posts : 19
    Windows 10 Home

    Hard Drive Space loss after expanding partition

    Okay I have a small problem.

    I have a 120 gig solid state hard drive, that I have my OS installed on (Windows 10)

    I was going to install windows 7 on a second partition on that hard drive, so I shrank the current partition and it gave me unallocated space.

    I had a few people tell me it wasn't possible to install windows 7 on the same hard drive as windows 10... for some reason or another.

    So I decided to expand the partition back to its original size (the whole hard drive).

    Before I shrunk the partition.. I had 60 gigs left, I shrunk it by 20 to install windows 7 on.

    Well after some people told me it wouldn't work. I decide to re-expand the partition to take back up the whole drive.

    Problem is, when I did that.. I loss that 20 gigs, it says that 20 gigs is 'used' space now. I tried scanning the hard drive for errors and defragging (won't let me defrag that drive.. I assume cause its either a solid state drive or the windows drive)

    I don't know how to get that lost 20 gigs back.

    Any suggestions?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 19
    Windows 10 Home
    Thread Starter

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 19
    Windows 10 Home
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    Nevermind. Fixed it.
      My Computer


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