ASUS Motherboard compatibility

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  1. Posts : 15,222
    Windows 10 IoT

    Good point, my M2N68 and M4N68 both have dedicated video cards installed. I have no idea if the onboard works in Windows 10. If I get a chance, latter on today I'll remove my GT 610 and try the onboard in my spare desktop PC.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,610
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H1 (May 2021 build 19043.1083)

    For onboard NVidia GPUs download the respective nForce (NVidia chipset) driver. If there is no Windows 10 version, use Windows 8 or 7 or Vista (with that order, the newer the better). To upgrade from earlier Windows, install the driver before upgrading. Also make sure you disconnect or disable any not critical device so Windows Setup won't try to find drivers for it. Most of the times Setup fails or get stuck at a certain point while trying to find drivers for some device. You can connect the devices after the upgrade is complete and then install any extra drivers. I would also disable any third-party Antivirus and backup applications than usually need Administrator access. Let the upgrade finish and then you can enable them again without fear of something going wrong.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 7
    Vista 32

    After 6 hours of trying everything no luck. I got to the first reboot, reset the bios to boot from the HDD and it went through setting up devices and into the next step and then locked up. I waited for the auto reboot to kick in and thought it might continue on, it got to the same point and locked again. I went back in and got it to reinstall after using the Disk Part command. Same thing again. The only thing I noticed was sometimes i could use the mouse other times I could not. I don't know if it's a compatibility issue with the board, A HDD issue ( 6 year old Seagate, 250gb IDE) or just everything being dated. The install disk has a slight blemish on it from the dvd drawer closing before I could get the disk in place, but this dvd drive has had worse in it so I doubt that would be an issue. The Nvidia 9400 GT has never given me trouble, although I've never disabled the onboard video. I guess I'll fall back to plan B and update hardware. I'm not to stressed over this one not firing up. I figured the chances of it running 10 weren't on my side. Any suggestions for a reasonably priced mother board? I've grown fond of ASUS boards and AMD cpu's.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 37
    Win 10 Pro 64 bit 1703 Bld 15063.138

    javabiker said:
    My Asus MB (M4A89GTD PRO/USB3) is about 5 years old. I have successfully upgraded from Win 7 Pro to Win 10. However, running on Win 10 my PC frequently locks up and has to be re-booted. As a result I down-graded to Win 7 and now all is ok. ASUS does not include this board in the list of Win 10 compatible boards but ....
    Any one got a good suggestion.
    I've upgraded older pc's with 11 or 10 year old MOBO's from XP thru Win7 then Win10 with no issues. But I do keep all my drivers up to date regularly. As mentioned by others old drivers can be a problem. Check your BIOS too. While it may not be needed I'd tend to update if there is a new one. Cheers.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2,335

    Bit of a guess but it's been many years since I had Nforce Boards so I haven't kept up really , but I wouldn't be surprised if Win10 Setup does not have the necessary HDD/SATA Drivers for your Nforce Chipset and stalls as it can't access the HDD.

    Perhaps I need to pay more attention but does Win10 still offer a F6 Driver Install during Setup?

    I have used Nlite to substitute drivers for my ICH10R Sata/RAID recently for Win10 ( Win10 series 13 and above seem to cause Corruption) so that maybe a viable solution ....assuming you have a working computer . I followed a Guide on WinRaid Forums for that (below) but Fernando (WinRaid Mod) has Supported NForce for many years (10+), and still does , so I would suggest asking over there too and perhaps picking up his latest DriverPack too.

    NForce Pages

    NVIDIA: Optimized nForce Driverpacks for Vista/Win7-10

    Intergration Guide

    [Guide] Integration of drivers into a Win7/8/10 image
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 15,222
    Windows 10 IoT

    NVIDIA nForce 630a / GeForce 7025 chipset, running Windows 10 x64 with no issues. All stock drivers supplied by Windows during setup.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 2,335

    his Board has the 560 , or possibly the 570 Chipset if the Deluxe Model maybe not supported by Win10 OOB ?

    assuming we have the correct MB of course?

    M2N-SLI | Motherboards | ASUS Global


    M2N-SLI Deluxe | Motherboards | ASUS Global
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 2,335

    Kbird said:
    Bit of a guess but it's been many years since I had Nforce Boards so I haven't kept up really , but I wouldn't be surprised if Win10 Setup does not have the necessary HDD/SATA Drivers for your Nforce Chipset and stalls as it can't access the HDD.

    Perhaps I need to pay more attention but does Win10 still offer a F6 Driver Install during Setup?

    Actually I think you can install drivers if you get to where it asks where to install Win10 , it lets you install drivers so you can see SSD or HDD's if needed.

    Don't think it asks about F6 like in WinXp or Win7 now?
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 848
    Windows 10 LTSC

    nForce 560 and nForce 570 is ancient
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 12,809
    Windows 11 Pro

    But, I believe on the 'Where do you want to install Windows' screen, one of the Advanced options is Load Drivers.
      My Computer


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