Function key died after upgrade to 10
Asus Eee PC 904HA
Intel Atom N270 1.6 GHZ - 2 GB ram - 160 GB
SSDThis is thesecond upgrade that I have done (the first was on a Lenovo running 8.1). The upgrade on that machine went without ahitch. Yesterday I upgraded my AsusEee PC 904HA (Intel Atom N270 1.6 GHZ - 2 GB ram - 160 GB SSD). The upgrade was from 7 Starter. The download went without any problems as was the installation. The problem I am having is with the FNkey. It does not work and it appears tobe stuck so when I try to type a P I get a -. I discovered the problem while login on to PIA (the first letter of myuser name begins with the letter P. Ihooked up an external keyboard and everything worked that way. I have looked for drivers on the Asus websitebut could not find any that would apply to this mystery. Does anyone have any ideas? I only use this little computer whiletraveling for doing things like checking email and surfing.