Windows 10 System Storage not displaying drives.

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  1. nem
    Posts : 9
    Windows 10

    Im having the same issue, however i HAVE enabled it with the reg fix.

    Below is the storage settings, only showing C: , "New apps will save to:" dropdown is activated, only showing C:

    This is my storage as windows sees it:

    When i try to download and install a game from Windows Store i run into problems because i dont want this game on C: or D: , i want it on G:

    Lastly the registry settings:

    Anyone able to tell me how i can get my other drives to show up in Storage, maybe this will fix the issue?
      My Computer

  2. G50
    Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    Hey, I don't know if you've solved this, but what worked for me is changin the drive letters around on the drives. Then they showed up.

    Right click the start menu - Go to Dist management - right click on the drive that's not showin up and select "change drive letters and paths" then change it up. They should show up after you do that in Storage. Hope that works for you!
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    I have 5 physical hard drives and at least 10 logical drives and only 5 logical drives show up under the settings local storage. I need ALL of them to show up.
    They do show up under Windows Explorer but not under the Settings for local storage.
    Not sure if it matters but I also have 7 network drives connected.
    This appears to be a bug in Windows 10.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,609
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H1 (May 2021 build 19043.1083)

    bharris0 said:
    I have 5 physical hard drives and at least 10 logical drives and only 5 logical drives show up under the settings local storage. I need ALL of them to show up.They do show up under Windows Explorer but not under the Settings for local storage.Not sure if it matters but I also have 7 network drives connected.This appears to be a bug in Windows 10.
    I have seen in older Windows versions that connected network drives (assigned a drive letter) could make the local drives not show in Windows Explorer if by mistake an existing drive letter was assigned to the network drive. But this should not be an issue for Windows 7 and newer. Also I have seen some cases that the partition (logical volume) is there but not assigned any drive letter. Once you add a drive letter in Disk Manager, as explained in the previous post, you can use the partition.
      My Computer


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