Nano ipod not recognized by itunes after installing windows 10

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    Nano ipod not recognized by itunes after installing windows 10

    When I start itunes a box comes up that says "An ipod has been detected but it could not be identified properly..." and then goes on to give instructions what to do. I have followed those instructions. I have also been to an Apple store and my ipod is up-to-date as is my itunes software. I have been on an Apple support forum and there are dozens of similar cries for help there.

    The ipod will note be recognized. Further, all podcasts contained on the ipod that I have already listened to now have a symbol against them and cannot be replayed. I use my ipod all the time and am extremely annoyed that to date no solution that works has been provided.

    Another problem with Windows 10 is with already purchased "Big Fish" games. The games appear so big that I cannot see the bottom of the screen to be able to play properly. I wish I had never upgraded to Windows 10.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    I he ar you! Same thing has happened here. Have spent days trying different things. I need my iPod to get out and exercise... and not being able to update my podcasts on the iPod is putting a hurt on me. Still not sure if I should blame Apple or Windows.
      My Computer


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