win 10 PC will not find my USB powered external HDD.

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  1. Posts : 3,367
    W10 Pro x64/W7 Ultimate x64 dual boot main - W11 Triple Boot Pending

    Sorry to hear the bad news you are facing there!

    I had to suspect something was definitely wrong when seeing your last post. When running any version of Windows however it's always best to see the drive installed internally and not try to run it by way of usb while eSata would make for a much better alternative still connected to the onboard sata port by an extension cable going to the external plug in.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 4
    win 10

    MaurieT said:
    G'day to all, I recently bought a new PC with win 10 on board. I now find that I want to retrieve some data from my old PC which is unserviceable.
    I purchased a 22 pin sata to usb cable. When plugged in I find the Device manager will not find this new drive. The led's on the cable light up but the drive is not running.
    The old HDD is a 3.5" unit which ran on win 7. the old drive is a Samsung HD502HJ/b (part No.) and is in working condition.
    I am wondering if it requires a driver of its own? Or something a more diverse problem like a usb 2.0 or 3.0 conflict, maybe.
    I am quite elderly and would appreciate any help from a kind person willing to help.
    Thanking you in anticipation, MaurieT.
    You will need that proper cable with power but be aware Win 10 will not always see drives 1 Tb or larger except the drive they boot from. None of my working drives 1 Tb or larger that are usb are useable on the Win 10 machines.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3,367
    W10 Pro x64/W7 Ultimate x64 dual boot main - W11 Triple Boot Pending

    tomwho7 said:
    You will need that proper cable with power but be aware Win 10 will not always see drives 1 Tb or larger except the drive they boot from. None of my working drives 1 Tb or larger that are usb are useable on the Win 10 machines.
    I find that rather interesting as the two matched storage/backup drives just added in recently to replace a pair of 5yr. old 1tb drives are WD RE class "Heavy Duty" 2tb drives working flawlessly!

    The pair of 1tb drives that were replaced first went into an external usb enclosure for backing everything up from those before one became the second OS drive on another machine and the second first assumed to be worn and having access problems on 7 before 10 is now in a newer fan cooled enclosure presently plugged in by usb until I get a chance to hook up the eSata cables for the case and plug the two ports into the board.

    On the second case being a mini tower I simply slapped together back in 2013 for 7 Pro only seeing the single 500gb OS drive and still used mainly for testing with remote access the WD Green(energy efficient model) 1tb sits in the first usb enclosure there. Not one problem with any of those being seen on 10 here.
      My Computers


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