DVD/CD-ROM not in Device Manager

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  1. Posts : 57
    windows 10

    ???? DWORD
    You lost me there.
    Connected my brand new LG BE14NU40, and ran the pseudo install disk, basically cyberlink suite TEN? I already had 16, anyway.
    When I went to update the firmware from LG dated 7/12/16, , that's when things went south.
    Found this on another thread here:
    reg.exe add "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\atapi\Controller0" /f /v EnumDevice1 /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000001
    Rand as admin, then it disappeared all together, gone in device manager and file explorer, and wont even read the install disc or retail dvd.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 57
    windows 10

    Well, after struggling with this for the past few days and way too many real hours without success, I finally did it.
    And, you wont believe what did it, I surely didn't.
    YUP, the old unplug the USB, waited for a minute, plugged back in and restarted, BANG! There she was, and is.
    Genius, I know.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    Dch48 said:
    A fix that has worked for many people is to go in Device Manager and under "IDE ATA/Atapi controllers", delete both the channel 0 and channel 1 entries by uninstalling them. Then reboot the computer. The 2 things will be reinstalled and then your drive may show up.

    Thank you this has also solved the problem for me. Drive hadn't been detected since upgrading to Windows 10, but didn't have a need to fix until recently.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3
    Windows 10

    Dch48 said:
    A fix that has worked for many people is to go in Device Manager and under "IDE ATA/Atapi controllers", delete both the channel 0 and channel 1 entries by uninstalling them. Then reboot the computer. The 2 things will be reinstalled and then your drive may show up.
    Appocalipse said:

    Deleted the entries as you said, rebooted and drive was present in My Computer, Device Manager and Disk Management.

    Now I will try installing my HDD again! Once I have it all up and going I think I'm going to re-format everything and put a fresh install of windows 10 in to try and stop any further problems.

    Thank you to everyone who responded to help and a great big thank you to Dch48 for solving it!

    Ditto. This worked for me too. Many MANY thanks.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1
    Win 10

    Missing DVD/CD-ROM in device manager fixed.

    Dch48 said:
    A fix that has worked for many people is to go in Device Manager and under "IDE ATA/Atapi controllers", delete both the channel 0 and channel 1 entries by uninstalling them. Then reboot the computer. The 2 things will be reinstalled and then your drive may show up.
    I know this is an older post but just in case someone has this issue. I did this today (05-20-2017) and it work on my dell 790 mini tower. I didn't see any channel 0 or channel 1 but deleted " Standard SATA-AHCI Controller" and did a reboot. DVD/CD-ROM now shows in the device manager.

    Thanks all
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 3
    Windows 10

    Dch48 said:
    A fix that has worked for many people is to go in Device Manager and under "IDE ATA/Atapi controllers", delete both the channel 0 and channel 1 entries by uninstalling them. Then reboot the computer. The 2 things will be reinstalled and then your drive may show up.
    I tried it, But I found that In: IDE ATA/Atapi – under: Standard SATA AHCI Controller, there were no Channels.

    Any further idea please?

    Many Thanks in advance
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 60
    Win 7 64 bit Pro

    Uninstalling controller 0 and 1 solved the problem for me as well. Problem actually started when I replaced my system drive with an SSD and forgot to plug the BD drive back in. When I finally needed it,plugged it in, still didn't work. Now, of course, it's back. I needed it to create a system image. I still use Windows Backup under 1903 and as far as I can see it works quite normally.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 3
    Windows 10

    pbug56 said:
    Uninstalling controller 0 and 1 solved the problem for me as well. Problem actually started when I replaced my system drive with an SSD and forgot to plug the BD drive back in. When I finally needed it,plugged it in, still didn't work. Now, of course, it's back. I needed it to create a system image. I still use Windows Backup under 1903 and as far as I can see it works quite normally.
    Many thanks for the reply.
    But in fact, in my case, I found that In: IDE ATA/Atapi – under: Standard SATA AHCI Controller, there were no Channels.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    Guendi said:
    Many thanks for the reply.
    But in fact, in my case, I found that In: IDE ATA/Atapi – under: Standard SATA AHCI Controller, there were no Channels.
    Same thing worked for me. Deleted SATA AHCI Controller and rebooted. Thanks
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 3
    Windows 10

    Many Thanks

    william19 said:
    Same thing worked for me. Deleted SATA AHCI Controller and rebooted. Thanks
    Dear William
    Many thanks for your kind reply
    In fact, after upgrading to Win 10, the problem continued, I tried many times to delete the drivers' software, finally I bought a separate DVD driver unit!
    Many thanks again for your kind reply
      My Computer


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