Windows 10 Auto Activation after RAM Upgrade

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  1. Posts : 22
    Windows 10 Pro 64bit

    Was Windows 10 definitely showing as active before the RAM upgrade? There is no way the RAM should prevent you activating, I done a complete RAM upgrade removing the 2 old sticks and installing two new ones, completely removed both HDD's and replaced them with an SSD and HDD and Windows 10 activated without issue.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    TheLiger said:
    Was Windows 10 definitely showing as active before the RAM upgrade? There is no way the RAM should prevent you activating, I done a complete RAM upgrade removing the 2 old sticks and installing two new ones, completely removed both HDD's and replaced them with an SSD and HDD and Windows 10 activated without issue.
    Did you have to re-flash the system BIOS for the upgrade??
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    D00B said:
    I've just dropped on this thread via Google, I have just swapped a dodgy RAM stick and now Windows 10 is not activated. Spoken to MS support and they cannot help me. Since the key I have was used originally for Windows 8 all that time ago (and me not having it to hand) there is nothing they can do for me. Windows will not be activated.
    Have you tried using Showkey Plus from this forum to possibly retrieve the Windows 8 key? Then if you upgrade to Windows 10 build 10586, you might be able to activate by entering the Windows 8 key.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2
    Windows10 Pro

    TheLiger said:
    Was Windows 10 definitely showing as active before the RAM upgrade? There is no way the RAM should prevent you activating, I done a complete RAM upgrade removing the 2 old sticks and installing two new ones, completely removed both HDD's and replaced them with an SSD and HDD and Windows 10 activated without issue.
    Windows was activated before and has been for a while. This was a fresh install of 10 as I had bought a SSD and all was well until the RAM issue

    BunnyJ said:
    Did you have to re-flash the system BIOS for the upgrade??
    I did not and this was not a issue before tonight as windows was activated.

    NavyLCDR said:
    Have you tried using Showkey Plus from this forum to possibly retrieve the Windows 8 key? Then if you upgrade to Windows 10 build 10586, you might be able to activate by entering the Windows 8 key.
    I have not, I'll download it now and see how we go.
      My Computer


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