Thanks, guys.:)
Sorry for the delay. I had to go help a friend.
I got 'er in. I just put the extra wires where they would fit.
Kidding aside, I turn it on and the fans go on, but I get a constant beep out of the system speaker that won't quit. I can force a shutdown. Any ideas?
In the mean time I'll search the web.
HG,, the easy one on here looks to be reseat the ram . good luck Charlie
Thanks, guys.
Reseated all the connections and a no go. Took all peripherals out/off including 1 stick of memory. It posted first try. Began to put everything back on one at a time. It was a memory strip for when I plug it in it's a constant beep. Not the worst thing.
However, the monitor won't stay on, so I think that's a goner. Oh well. Nothing lasts forever.
That's enough fun for today boys and girls. Time for bed.
Thanks again for the help, link, and sticking it out with me. :)
Those extra wires, !!!!! Grrrr, that's why I'm waiting for new modular PSU, ordered Sharkoon Silent Storm 660W, half the cables will be in storage instead of cluttering insides.
Well, I replaced what seemed to be the bad memory strip and switched it with the good. It booted. I shut it down and put the other one in and it boots, so it looks like both are good. I guess one has to tinker with them until they take. I read that using a pencil eraser to clean them, but that doesn't sound right. Can a solution like rubbing alcohol be used?
I can push the monitor power button all day long, but it won't stay on. It lights up with the proper screen, but goes blank after a few seconds. Starts out dim, especially on the left half, then gets brighter each time. I'm assuming it's the monitor and not the graphics chip?
If you can give ram a bit higher voltage, it usually stabilizes them specially if there's more of them. RAM sticks, do NOT use pencil eraser on contacts, it leaves gummy deposit and can make contacts even worse. I use just a clean piece of printing paper, doubled over so I can hold it between fingers and rub both sides at same time. A little of rubbing alcohol can be used to wet paper but not too much so it drips, it can dissolve lacquer that insulates components. Also have to make sure you emptied all static electricity before and during cleaning.
I just spent couple of hours disassembling my main computer and changing PSU. Looks like it breathes much better now because I upgraded PSU from 400W Chieftek to Sharkoon 660W.