mousing around and fine-tuning
Many many years ago in a far far away galaxy I had a mouse utility that allowed you to fine-tune and adjust everything in matters mouse including the pointer.
For example: the response area size of the tip of the arrow, and most importantly when sizing a window the pixel range where the mouse pointer switches over to the sizing pointer, like e.g. 2- 3 pixels tolerance and not the current default setting of 1pixel.
Since the geniuses of Windows 10 et al decided that you have to be accurate within 1 pixel for that sizing double arrow to show and function good luck with that if you have a 4K screen resolution. It's very frustrating to say the least.
As it is right now I have to be exactly with the pointer on the edge of a window otherwise it will not work.
Anyone know of a mouse utility app that allows you to fine-tune the aforementioned settings?