Help, unintentionally, i used lubricant oil on the hdd's logic board
Hello, I hope you are well and I appreciate if you can help me. Today, while doing preventive maintenance on my pc, I messed up and used a lubricating oil spray on the hd, but actually I was going to use the electronic contact cleaner, the two bottles are very similar and I was paying attention to my wife, and When I realized there I was pouring oil on the hdd's logic board and now I can't use it because I'm afraid of shorting it and in addition to burning it, it could also damage other components of the computer. I already removed the oil that I could remove, but inside the board there is still a little and to try to alleviate the suffering, I also threw the oil cleaner spray. Could someone point me to procedures that I could use to try to get back to using the hd without short circuit...?