Could you please provide the details on the disk from diskpart? I suspect I know what the problem is, but need to see that output first.
Here is a sample of the commands to run. Make sure to use the correct disk number (mine is just an example). Then copy that output and post it here:
select disk 2 (use the correct disk number here)
detail disk
I see that there is a 7 hour time difference between us. I'm about to go get some sleep, so let me explain now what it is that I was after. Take a look at the screenshot below.
Notice what the disk ID looks like that I point to near the top of the screen. It a long number in curly braces. This what a disk looks like when configured as GPT. Note then that I wipe that disk and convert it to MBR. Note what the disk ID looks like then. That is what an MBR configured disk looks like.
If your Disk ID looks like the lower disk ID, then I am guessing that this might be the problem because MBR is limited to a maximum partition size of 2 TB.
If that is the case and you have no data on the disk, I suggest cleaning that disk and converting to GPT. Here is how you can do this in diskpart.
NOTE: Once again, make certain you select the correct disk ID and be aware that this will cause you to lose all data from that disk. Also, note that I assume that you want to create one large partition.
select disk 2
convert gpt
create partition primary
format fs=ntfs quick
Let me know if this was helpful or if I was barking up the wrong tree here
It is showing one partition on that drive with 20% space available.
I replaced the USB SATA adapter with a HDD docking station. After this there is no inconsistency.