File System Changed From FAT32 To NTFS

  1. Posts : 2
    Ubuntu 22.04

    File System Changed From FAT32 To NTFS

    Hello and thanks for allowing me to post.

    My normal OS is Ubuntu 22.04 but I needed to take some certifications and for that I had to have Windows 10 or above.
    So I installed win 10 on an SSD and took the certs, all good.

    Some time later I had to put the win 10 SSD back in but I forgot to unplug an internal HDD (1TB 70% used) which was FAT32.

    Windows 10 has done something to the format of the drive (even though I never mounted the drive afaik) and now it reads as NTFS which Ubuntu has a darn hard time to read and is ridiculously slow (if it reads at all)!

    Could anyone please tell me what Win 10 did to my drive so that I may be able to undo the damage without losing 700 + GB of files?

    Thank you for any assistance with this problem.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,344
    windows 10

    Can you show it on a screenshot from disk manger. Window has a simple cmd to change 32 to ntfs you can reverese it
    How to Convert NTFS to FAT32 Without Losing Data - EaseUS

    Can FAT32 Support a 1TB Hard Drive? The simple answer is no, it cannot. But you can still format it in this format, but we'll explain that later. For now, it's important to understand that even though FAT32 has a limit of 2TB hard drives, Windows only allows it to create partitions of 32GB.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Ubuntu 22.04
    Thread Starter

    Samuria said:
    Can you show it on a screenshot from disk manger.
    I can but only from linux (else I need to put the Win 10 SSdD back in)

    File System Changed From FAT32 To NTFS-screenshot-2023-06-18-16-38-00.pngFile System Changed From FAT32 To NTFS-screenshot-2023-06-18-15-30-44.png

    Not sure if that helps??

    Win 10 can not have formatted the drive from FAT to NTFS else all the files would be gone (afaik) ... so what did it do to make the drive NTFS?

    Samuria said:
    Window has a simple cmd to change 32 to ntfs you can reverese it .... snip .... Windows only allows it to create partitions of 32GB.
    It would seem that I cannot as it is well over 32 GB and the options in the link given can't do greater than that!

    What did Win 10 do?

    Samuria said:
    Can FAT32 Support a 1TB Hard Drive? The simple answer is no, it cannot.
    Samuria said:
    FAT32 has a limit of 2TB hard drives
    I am sorry and I may be being a tad daft but the two above statements do not seem compatible?

    Thank you for your help .... most kind
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 8,344
    windows 10

    Convert CMD can convert fat32 to NTFS with no data loss. It's strange windows can only format normally fat32 to 32 gig but there are work around fat32 can be 2tb there is a problem over 32gig you can get looping fat32
      My Computer


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