Problem ejecting devices from laptop
I don't have my Windows Version number with me at this time. I'm on a different computer.
My laptop is not allowing me to do a proper "eject" of external devices anymore. First, it was a flash drive. I also tried a SD card from an older digital camera. I always get the error message telling me that I can't eject the device.
However, when I'm at the public library and using one of their computers (as I am right now), I never have a problem. That seems to indicate a laptop problem rather than one with the flash drive.
I tried using Google to find a solution, but the sources I found seem to indicate that the problem is most likely with the flash drive, but my experience seems to indicate otherwise.
Also (and I'm not sure this is related), when I use the public library computer to create a Word document, save it to the FD, and then bring it home to my laptop and open the file, it's always said to be corrupted and unreadable. Well, I saved one of those "corrupted" files on the FD, opened it at the library, and it turns out to NOT be corrupted at all.
So many issues, and I wonder if they're related.
I'll also point out that I recently ran SFC/scannow for a different issue recently. It showed that there were error found and corrected. The problem is that every time I put the computer to "sleep", it shut down instead. Now it doesn't. The point being that I already ran SFC/scannow, but it didn't fix the main problem I'm having now, even though it fixed a different one.