Computer All Of A Sudden Won’t Boot - Red CPU Debug Light ON
Greetings All. A few days ago, my PC all of a sudden booted with no display, which was a first, but it booted normally again 10 minutes later. Then the next day the same thing happened, I realised the CPU Debug red light was on this time and searched for a solution to no avail. I have tried restarting CMOS, both battery and jump start, which did fix it temporarily, but the next time I booted the PC the debug light appeared again. I also took out the GPU, and checked the CPU for bent pins. I have tried testing the ram sticks also and the red light did not budge.
Also, I tried switching the ram sticks to first and third slot instead of 2nd and 4th ( where they would normally be ) just for the red light to disappear, allowing my PC to load up. I ended up using it like before, running games and all, just for the CPU debug light to appear again the next time I tried to boot it up. This started happening a few days ago also which is a bit weird. I will list my specs below in case it helps.
Ryzen 5 3600
GTX 1650 Super
B450M Mortar Max
HyperX 16GB Ram
600w PSU
( I have had this PC for just over 2 Years and bought all parts from the store )
My PC hasn’t had any issues before and I haven’t done anything to it either so i’m not too sure what my problem is here. I have no clue what it is, sometimes it would boot just fine, just for the red light to appear the next time I load up. Maybe a faulty Motherboard or CPU, or even the ram sticks? I just need a few heads up before I start spending money and replacing parts.
Any sort of help would be appreciated Thanks.