PCI serial port driver missing

  1. Posts : 39
    Win 10

    PCI serial port driver missing

    I have a HP W/ win10 Pro version 22H2 (OS build 19085.2846). Looking in device manager it says no driver required or have been loaded for this device. Just wondering because I tried to install my printer software & it wouldn't load the scanner portion (it said couldn't create a new port). All was working fine until lightening hit & knocked out my router & I thought my printer. I tried to uninstall & re install & no scan capability. My wife loaded her HP lap top & it installed the scan portion. So I'm not sure if the PCI serial port is the problem.
    When this happens I ask for help, & thank you so much.s
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 281
    Windows 10 Pro

    When you say PCI serial port, is the printer connected via USB?

    Lightning is a very odd creature and behaves in ways we don't quite understand let alone can predict. Even a nearby (like a mile or so away) hit can do damage to sensitive electronics. This is why I unplug everything when a storms rolls in. Also, a surge protector is not going to protect you from lighting. Maybe a surge or power sag withen that products capabilities... There is a lot of false advertising with those things based on scientific conjecture and whatnot. And to add insult to injury, the so-called warranty these surge protectors have come with fine print that a lawyer would need to interpret. In a nutshell, you're not getting reimbursed for lightning damage. That's what a home owners or renters insurance does...

    It seems reasonable to assume your computer took a minor hit and thus the OS (Operating System) or hardware can't communicate correctly with the printer/scanner. You can rule out the OS or hardware with another hard drive and a different install of Windows, test the USB ports with something else, use a different USB port, or try printing/scanning from a live disk like Hiren's Boot CD or a Linux Distro such as Ubuntu. Providing they have a built-in universal driver. They should.

    Absent of that, you could try printing/scanning from the network instead. Refer to your printer manual on using your printer for scanning/printing from the network. You're not committed to only USB for printers these days... You can print/scan wirelessly over Wi-Fi as well... Even with a smartphone or tablet. I do.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 39
    Win 10
    Thread Starter

    Thanks F22, I am connected wireless to the printer. the printer seems to be starting to work properly again. It works with another pc I have running win10 & one pc running xubuntu also a laptop my wife uses. I could have had some minor damage to my machine. If so, it looks like that's all. I'll try to uninstall the software using Revo again & see if it installs properly. If not, we can still get by, I can still print, I just can't scan. Thanks again, & I'll post the results.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Ok, I removed everything with Canon, reinstalled & same results. I guess since I'm hard wired to the router, I did suffer some damage. However it's not enough to reinstall windows to fix it. That's the only way I know of getting it back. If there are no other solutions I'll just mark as solved. Thanks again.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 8,468
    windows 10

    Are there serial ports in device manager? it can just be the irq or dma conflict
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 162
    Windows 10 Home

    I own an HP and all you need to do is register it on the HP website, theyll scan your PC and give you a long list of free drivers that will optimize your PC performance. All free. Haven't had a problem with it yet, always goes smooth.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 39
    Win 10
    Thread Starter

    hello Samuria,Thanks for the reply, in device manager there is a serial port in other devices, it says PCI serial port 1. the drivers for this device have not been installed. 2. there are no compatable drivers for this device. and 3. To find drivers for this device click update driver. I found nothing.

    - - - Updated - - -

    hello Sapien, thanks for the reply. This is good advice. I had just thought about going there. I'll give it a try
      My Computer


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