Thanks all. Cloning the drive tonight -- the software for which shows, by the way, the same amount of data on the drive as before this disaster began. Two things about the temp folder Eraser appears to have created: 1) this folder is also created when the program over-writes FREE SPACE on the drive -- which I believe may be what inadvertently happened. Unless CHKDSK-induced errors somehow got some of my data characterized as "free space" beforehand, (is this even possible?) then, I'm holding out hope the 1.8 TB of data I'm still registering is recoverable. 2) IF Eraser actually wiped any data from the drive, it doesn't appear to have run for very long -- so again, I'm trying to hold out some hope for at least a partial -- hopefully majority -- recovery scenario. If you guys have expertise in data recovery, I could use your recommendations on software to try once the clone is complete. You all have been a GREAT help so far -- I'm slowly making the transition from being infuriated with myself for being so stupid, to using this as a learning opportunity.