Reinstalled win 10 still the mouse stops in its tracks

  1. Posts : 9
    win 10

    Reinstalled win 10 still the mouse stops in its tracks

    Re-installed windows on BOTH laptops as the problem occurs on both laptops.
    Move the mouse from one side of the page to the other and the mouse stops in the middle and I have to restart it.
    It happens even moving the mouse slowly
    It just STOPS where it wants to and I have to left click to get it going again.
    I have...........
    Re-installed windows on BOTH laptops
    Run SFC
    Run chkdsk
    Performed clean boot
    Malicious Software Removal Tool 64-bit
    updated drivers
    windows update
    brought 2 NEW mouse (1 x wired 1 x wireless)
    Still nothing works
    The mouse when moved just keeps stopping
    It does jigger, or shake, it physically stops and i have to click and move it again
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 45,419
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Hi, what is the exact model and approx age of the laptops?
    Are they both the same?

    What happens when you use the touchpad? Do you see the same thing happen or not?

    Please boot to Safe Mode. Do you see the same thing happen or not (touchpad and mouse)?

    Have you ever NOT seen this problem on these laptops?
    If so, what was different?

      My Computers

  3. Posts : 9
    win 10
    Thread Starter

    Ones a ACER ASPIRE, the other ones a HP notebook
    Note book still does this using the touchpad
    Acer has no touchpad because I replaced the keyboard
    SAFE MODE = yes still happens
    BUT...........before windows loads, I can move the mouse around (on both laptops) as if there was nothing wrong
    As soon as windows starts thats when the mouse stops when I move it

    Acer laptop crashed, would not boot from C drive ...all i had was X drive to boot from (I dont have X drive) i re-installed windows 10
    HP laptop.... I updated to win 11...thats when the mouse problems started
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 45,419
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Again: what is the exact model and approx age of the laptops?

    Acer laptop crashed, would not boot from C drive
    - have you checked the drive? E.g. Crystal Diskinfo (free), Hard disk Sentinel (excellent).

    When you see this 'stickiness', what is the resource usage like? (CPU, disk - taks manager)?

    HP laptop.... I updated to win 11.
    - normally, via Windows update, or bypassing restrictions?

    You have 10 days by default to revert.

    When posting these problems, users almost never post the driver page for their particular model.
    If you look at the one for that HP PC (whatever it is) which is the latest version of Windows supported?

    Similarly for the Acer.

    SAFE MODE = yes still happens
    - this is puzzling as resource usage should be minimal, and you're likely to be using a more basic driver.
      My Computers


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