I am not sure you know what a Hot Swappable Drive is. But, If your C: Drive gets infected with a Virus while you Swappable drive is in the computer, there is a risk of it getting infected to. So your theory of having a removable secondary drive and not running the risk of getting infected won't work. But Viruses like to infect the Windows drive and don't usually spread to a secondary drive, whether it is internal or a USB HDD.
I mentioned, that if you have a Hot Swappable drive enclosure in the computer with just Data on it, no OS, you can remove the tray while the computer is on, and replace it with another tray with a Data drive in it, where the term Hot Swap comes from. It may take the computer a few minutes to recognize the drive. But I don't recommend doing it this way.
I do not understand when you say you want to Switch Drives, but not Swap them?
When you have a secondary drive attached, either internally directly to the motherboard, thru a Swappable Bay, or a USB HDD. the files can be accessed thru the C: Windows Drive. It will show up as another drive with a different drive letter. Is that what you are trying to do?