Snappy Driver Installer Origin urgent questions

  1. Posts : 249
    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64 bits

    Snappy Driver Installer Origin urgent questions

    After reading this article MakeUseOf sent me by email, I decided to give Snappy Driver Installer Origin v1.12.9 a try. Since it's a portable version, I thought it was safe to use it. So I launched it and it showed a list with six drivers I suppose need updates (see first image below), and it started downloading stuff right away, without any other action from me.

    Snappy Driver Installer Origin urgent questions-snappy-driver-installer-origin-v1.12.9-wtf-01.png

    Then I opened a dialog box that has a list with a lot more drivers, and all of its items are listed as "Missing":

    Snappy Driver Installer Origin urgent questions-snappy-driver-installer-origin-v1.12.9-wtf-02.png

    The urgent questions are:

    - Why is it listing all that "missing" stuff?

    - Why all that stuff is 33.1 GB in size?


    Windows 10 Pro 22H2 19045.2673
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 45,407
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    The second screenshot, I think, relates to driver packs.

    As you will have noted, you can either download just the indices (lists of drivers available) or the whole set of driver packs SDI has available. That's all driver packs for all PCs everywhere.

    You probably don't really want the latter. That's for e.g. maintenance folk dealing with multiple PCs.
    You acan see there are 2 versions:
    Snappy Driver Installer Origin urgent questions-1.jpg

    I.e. missing there does not equal drivers your instance of Windows is lacking.
      My Computers


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