will my hdd be ok

  1. Posts : 349
    windows 10 pro build 22h2

    will my hdd be ok

    i have a wd blue hdd. i put it in my drawer for safe keeping while my laptop was being repaired.

    https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachmen...0320/image.png is a picture of the drawer. the red box is the hdd and the yellow box is a piece of carboard. that edge of the drawers is short and without the piece of cardboard then the drawers will tilt down and then back up in a quick sharp movement. in the past the drawers tilted down and up when my laptop was on and nothing happened to it

    sometime ago the piece of carboard was removed so the drawers tilted down and up while the hdd was in the drawer

    also today i was sitting in front of the drawers. the second drawer was open and i put my foot on it. i pushed down with my foot by mistake so the back side of the drawers went up and when i removed my foot then the back side of the drawers hit the floor was a small bang

    i am worried for my hdd. Why hard drives fail (EN) | Crucial.com says that an hdd when it's off can endure 250gs shock. how much shock will reach the hdd when the back side of the drawers went up and then back down and hit the floor?

    also please see HDD Durability - YouTube. the video said that the laptop hdd spoiled when something heavy was dropped on top. so then the shock caused by the drawer is nothing?

    i should get back my laptop in 1 week and the hdd will be put back in it. if it worked ok then it will always be ok and it won't suddenly spoil later on because of what happened?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,512
    windows 10

    I am assuming its a spinner not ssd no one can answer the question in truth no one knows all you can do is test it in a pc using free WD test software
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 18,482
    Windows 11 Pro

    Since the HDD was disconnected and not spinning, the heads were parked and nothing likely happened to it.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 349
    windows 10 pro build 22h2
    Thread Starter

    NavyLCDR said:
    Since the HDD was disconnected and not spinning, the heads were parked and nothing likely happened to it.
    ok good. thanks

    please see Reddit - Dive into anything. i want to ask you roughly how much gs shock will happen because of the back end of the drawers going up and then down and hitting the floor?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 18,482
    Windows 11 Pro

    It does not sound like the hard drive itself hit a solid floor. It was in a drawer that "swung" about an axis. There was a whole lot of buffering action preventing the HDD from getting a solid smack.
      My Computer


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