Bad Sectors or broken File System ?

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  1. Posts : 2,937
    Windows 10 Home x64

    How about testing using a different cable and/or SATA port?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 42
    Win11 Enterprise 23H2
    Thread Starter

    Hello Contributors !

    Got an encouraging update. I tested the disk on another ( my son's ) laptop. And the read surface test showed all green. That means the disk is all good. Just my laptop is not reading it correctly.

    I will test with my laptop using another usb port. Will keep posted.

    Thank you al for your inputs.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,937
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Great news.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 42
    Win11 Enterprise 23H2
    Thread Starter

    Hello Supporters !

    After repeated tests over slightly defective and perfectly working usb ports I conclude that the disk is working fine. Here are my learning points while using Harddisk Sentinel :

    1. If you suspect a connection problem, do a self test. This test does not involve data transmission from the host computer. Ref : Last para of this post : Drive health plummeted during surface test, now back to 100% - Hard Disk Monitoring

    2. If you are performing a surface test ( especially over a defective port ) , make sure you close all other programs. I had a few services running in the background that tried to access the drive being tested. This led to stuck / aborted tests.

    The best practice would be to restart the host computer and run the surface test right after booting. A bootable WinPE will be ideal. We have our own Tenforums project to build Win10XPE here : Win10XPE - Build Your Own Rescue Media [2]

    Unfortunately Harddisk Sentinel is not yet included, but there are other HDD tools such as Easeus, Acronis, Aomei.

    3. chkdsk does not work over a defective connection.

    Thank you all.

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 7,056
    Windows 11 Pro - Windows 7 HP - Lubuntu

    I built my own Win 10XPE and you can add many portable applications. In some cases you can install a program under Win10XPE, use it but it will be erased on a reboot.
      My Computers


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