Click statistics of Mice

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 10 Pro, macOS Big Sur

    Click statistics of Mice


    Is there a way to check my mouse's click statistics using some kind of software? similar to how we can check the shutter count on DSLRs?
    Do mice even keep logs like these inside them, is this possible?

    Thanks! :)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,254
    Windows 10 Pro

    Welcome to the forum.

    A mouse is quite a simple device with no ability to do any kind of logging or maintain any kind of statistics. A DSLR is a vastly more complex device.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 10 Pro, macOS Big Sur
    Thread Starter

    LMiller7 said:
    Welcome to the forum.

    A mouse is quite a simple device with no ability to do any kind of logging or maintain any kind of statistics. A DSLR is a vastly more complex device.
    Alright I understand, thank you LMiller!
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Hi there


    Well I've seen some strange requests in my time -- but Stats on Mice !!!! perhaps throw in a bit of Cheese.

    However you asked for it -- so you'll have to program it yourself.


    Obviously a Mouse (and / or keyboard) will cause a hardware interrupt - The computer OS will always service a keyboard or mouse if it can.

    So just collect the interrupt statistics -- won't give you individual mouse clicks but should give you mouse interractions. I think it's Interrupt number 12 (IRQ 12) if it's a PS/2 one otherwise you'll have to look via the USB bus in device manager.

    Some light bedtime reading for you :

    A bit detailed info about interrupts in Windows | guru3D Forums

    In Linux for keyboard just capture SIGINT using python

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import signal

    def keyboardInterruptHandler(signal, frame):
    print("KeyboardInterrupt (ID: {}) has been caught. Cleaning up...".format(signal))

    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, keyboardInterruptHandler)

    while True:

    Now to run : at CTRL-C in the script you should see the message.

    youruser@hostname: python3
    ^CKeyboardInterrupt (ID: 2) has been caught. Cleaning up...

    You can see how small and easy it is for people to create "Keyloggers" --- the equivalent "Mouselogger" I don't think has been created yet !!! although there's always bonkers people out there willing to try this stuff.

    Have fun !!

    Last edited by jimbo45; 04 Apr 2021 at 03:04.
      My Computer


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