Accidently hot swapped internal SSD - damaged ?

  1. Posts : 198
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    Accidently hot swapped internal SSD - damaged ?

    I have a hardly used 250GB Kingston SSD that I plan on using in a new build for a neighbor. I thought I'd erase the previous files, so I opened up a spare pc and connected up the power + data. I went to hit the power button and it was already lit up - I must have accidently touched the switch when I was turning the box around.

    I'd connected the SSD whilst the pc was turned on - I guess I didn't notice because it has a water cooler, so there's no Intel HSF spinning up. The SSD was detected and I downloaded a speed test which showed 550 MB/s.

    Do you think I may have damaged the SSD ? I don't want my neighbor's new pc crashing and him losing data etc.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 21,421
    19044.1586 - 21H2 Pro x64

    hello badcrc ,

    Hard to know for sure, but great that the SSD is working - so it's most likely going to be fine.

    I would monitor drive health with Crystal Disk Info or similar app. You can configure it to run all the time and show drive temperatures in the system tray.
      My Computer


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