Hi, you need to know its origin. There's little to go on from the message itself.
First, is it a Windows message, or from some program?
Try e.g. Winspy
WinSpy - Window Information Tool - AutoHotkey Community
and drag the finder over that dialogue box to identify the underlying process and see if that tells you anything useful.
Second, you can try a process of elimination. Perform a clean boot (Google or see tutorial if unusure how).
Do these still occur?
If not, you can try enabling startups to see if you can identify the originating program.
Third, as a matter of good practice, and wise periodically anyway, run some disk checks just in case.
Hard Disk Sentinel (SSDs too) is excellent.
Examine the report on its GUI for each disk of concern.
If all is ok, then run
chkdsk X: /scan
from an admin command prompt
for each disk or partition of concern changing X as appropriate.
Just some clarification
The drives that mention in this popup are from my SD card reader
which is currently empty (does not have any SD card etc) mounted
For some unknown reason explorer is trying to open these empty drives
Winspy reports it is coming from explorer
I unplugged the SD carder reader and haven't seen the error popup so far..Code:D:\ ahk_class #32770 ahk_exe explorer.exe
If I plug back my SD carder reader, the error will likely occur again
So not sure how to fix this issue...
Last edited by madmax2; 16 Mar 2021 at 19:05.
Spit balling here.....if you plug card reader back in AND if it is showing up in File Explorer, right click that drive and select "Eject" !
Sounds like it could be dodgy- presumably it's an external USB device.. basics- consider port, cable...